Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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17/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 39 - part 2 - 34:10: Possibility of finding from your sofa

(Q - nlc: the problem is that this implies that the pile-up from our sofa is obligatory and that the possibility of defining the pile-up from the sofa, it becomes the only condition to be able to find the end of the game and therefore it is really possible and when you share it, you say that yes it is theoretically possible to do it from your sofa, but it still remains a possibility. field hunting, so in this case, is it really possible to find from your sofa, are we going to find our bearings on the Internet as we could have them in the field to be able to define the pile-hair , are these still important questions?)

MB : so, yes of course these are more than important questions, they are fundamental and in my new role as organizer of the game, it is obvious that I must consider them.
The real problem with your question is to say, is the question you are asking me today, that you would have asked me differently 30 years ago, when the game started, is it that this question admits the same answer? In other words, 30 years ago, was it available from your sofa or not quite from your sofa, better than today and I don't know what to answer you...

(Q - nlc: what I'm saying is that if you put in place a verification system for the Super Solution, and the game suddenly becomes virtual because it absolutely must be 'we find it from our sofa, that implies that we really have to be able to get there from our sofa and that therefore the information, the landmarks which are not on the map, we can still find them find on the Internet and have a representation or something...)

MB : absolutely, absolutely. That's absolutely correct, what you're saying is absolutely correct. But 30 years ago, Max Valentin had written that we could find it from home, that it was not useful to move until we had found the solution, so in theory, in the presentation given by Max Valentin, it was you find it, you go there, you dig and it's good.