Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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17/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 39 - part 2 - 24:50: Orphan hunting for years - A2co Sect

(Q - ??: what makes hunting special is that it was orphaned for a few years and as a result the players took over hunting, we do what we they wanted and I think that the difficulty in getting it back in your hands comes from here.)

MB : totally, especially on the A2CO side, it's not that I absolutely want to criticize the A2CO but I am obliged to see what happened for years, for 12 years because I I exchanged with them, I tried to explain with them, I talked to them, I told them things they didn't want to hear.
On the side of the A2CO we had high priests, when I speak of the A2CO it was the high priests of Max Valentin, people who perpetuated the words of Max Valentin whose last statement was to say whoever brings me a countermark I give him the Golden Owl, whether he has solved the solutions or not, as long as he has the countermark it is the law I give him. All this is false but as long as Max said it we must respect Max's word and that is what happens and what happened on the part of all the people who were more or less close to him , notably the people who created and managed the A2CO during those years from 2003. And when he died, they worked hard on it, they idealized the man and no longer wanted to break loose.
So they wrote and we had blogs, Monglane, people like that who make peremptory assertions but which are totally false, I can tell you that there are things that are extremely false but which are asserted with such way by people like Monglane, that we tell ourselves but it's not possible that he says things like that without it being true, he seems so sure of himself, he's an intelligent guy, we can only believe it.
And that's what gave the hunt such scope and opened up so many possibilities, because certain people said this or that, such and such a curse, all of the curses are indisputable, it's like that and not otherwise, Max said it, you have to listen to him, you have to believe him.
And the big problem today for you, as for me, is what we've been talking about for a while and always, it's about going backwards on this, we're going back in time, we're starting from on the right foot, we didn't take the right door, we take the other one and see what happens.