Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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17/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 39 - part 2 - 22:00: The Owl's solutions will be known

(Q - S17: there was even worse than that, there was the hunt for Forest Fenn, in fact it was found, the winner wanted to remain anonymous but beyond that he did not want the solutions to be delivered and the author accepted, shortly after he died, a few years later, and as a result there are more than 10,000 people who searched for this hunt for 10 years, the treasure has been found and which will not be delivered even after the treasure has been found)

MB : if there is one thing I can tell you, I give you my word that this will not happen with the Owl, everyone will know the solutions, that I can tell you. Just what I fear is that there will be some suicides because there are some who won't want to believe it but hey...

(Q - ??: especially if it's simple, especially if the Super Solution is something to say no but no)

MB : everything is not that simple, Max was a guy who was very intelligent, very quick-witted. As much as I hit him because he deserves it, I recognize the guy's qualities. He was an intelligent, brilliant guy, he had charisma, he knew how to sell his stuff very well. He was a guy who was a good salesman, he still had plenty of strength. but in relation to this owl story it went into a spin, I didn't say spiral you'll notice, I don't want to give any clue. So he went into a tailspin, that means that his thing was really well laid at the start, he really thought, he worked,...[yes even with an egg it was well laid, I didn't understand - laugh].
Beyond that he didn't measure anything, he was totally inexperienced, he didn't foresee at all what was going to happen. He would be in my place today, if he had not died the hunt would have been found, he would have given the push he would not have asked my opinion. At one point, as he did for the Orval treasure and perhaps others, I don't know, but in any case he would have given the push, he would have ensured that, for don't let it last forever.

(Q - ??: or she really had a special place in his head because it was his first, she was really intimate and he didn't want to rush her)

MB : when we both had discussions far from any poetry and we were talking about big money, I can say that Max was not particularly a poet, we shouldn't exaggerate either, eh.
He was a guy who did marketing and he set up this project because he thought it was a great marketing project and he hoped to make a lot of money from it, which he more or less did in fact. . There has never been any mythologizing of the Owl on Max's part.