Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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17/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 39 - part 2 - 10:20: SS - Worthy of Pirates and Red Rackham

(Q - ??: you deserved to have the solutions from the start it would have simplified a lot of things)

MB : it's not a scoop since he wrote in the madits, Max Valentin says that it would have been completely normal for Michel Becker to know the solutions since he financed everything. I said at the start I don't want to know them because if I'm the one who has to do interviews, who has to do TV and radio shows,... I don't want to do stupid things so we left it there but today, in relation to the image of hunting and I come back to the question that was asked to me, hunting is beautiful, it is well done, it is far from being as complicated we imagine it but it is very well built, the Super Solution is worthy of pirates, when I say that, I am not inventing anything, it is on par with the treasure of Red Rackham, there is a fucking find behind that.
Now how did Max sell his discovery, how did he offer it to his audience, that remains debatable because Max was totally inexperienced when he did that, so he didn't measure if the players were going to be able to capture, not capture, get into the thing or not get into the thing. Tintin was milling about for a while, he spent a lot of money, he went on a boat, there were a lot of things done before going to press the button on the globe in the crypt of Moulinsart castle, it is the story of Tintin's treasure and Red Rackham.
But this whole story also fueled Max's imagination, he designed something which is very, very well done, very intelligent and what he did less well was the way of presenting it to his audience. . That's what I'm faced with today, except that the public has been infected for so many years with so much information that I absolutely have to be able to measure lots of parameters to tell myself this is how I'm going support them, I'm going to give them a clue and how I'm going to free you from all the absolutely absurd rantings that I can see on the A2CO, on the blogs of the great scientists, on those who pride themselves on knowing all the The ins and outs of hunting. But the guys are in total delirium and I'm here today to say that there is a game that is magnificent, an absolutely superb story.
The fact that you are still here thirty years later, the fact that there are new people coming to tackle the enigmas is such an exceptional story, so extraordinary that I cannot afford to trash this story. , I'm not going to abort her, I have to allow her to come to term, that's it.
We are dealing with a beautiful creation that deserves to see it through to the end.