Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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17/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 39 - part 2 - 07:10: Beauty of solutions and Hunting

(Q - ??: did you find the solutions beautiful, that is to say that when you discovered them, even if the difficulty, certainly, was there, is it what you, when you saw the solutions, said to yourself there is a certain logic and in the end yes it's correct, but suddenly there was something that was bothering you, really it was nice from the beginning until at the end?)

MB : the hunt is beautiful, very beautiful from start to finish, we can't place it, I see comments from players who try to compare the owl to other Max Valentin hunts, it is incomparable and has no nothing to do with the hunts that Max Valentin did afterwards, nothing to do! It was another man who did this, it was 15 or 20 years before, he did it in the evening at home, outside of his working hours he imagined this thing. It has nothing to do with the hunts he created from the Orval treasure and all that, it's completely different, it was a beginner's hunt, it was a hunt for someone who had a stroke of genius, we cannot deny it, the character of Max Valentin is twisted, he is brilliant, I love the character of Max Valentin yet I suffered from it, but today looking back I I love this character, he had a genius for doing that, but a slightly unhealthy genius.

(Q - ??: the way I approach it is a little bit as if I were navigating a slightly artistic work in fact, a little confusing...)

MB : completely, you have films with stupid scenarios that make you laugh for 5 minutes and then you turn off the TV because you think it's too stupid, but on the other hand here we have something that holds water because that there is a character who is completely troubled, who has made a mess, because I am also a character who is ultimately a little elusive because I disappeared from the radar for years and then all of a sudden I come back to the surface...