Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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09/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 37 - 01:32:10 :10: SS - Blocking the hunt - Help for the owls

(Q - neo: we no longer talk about the first 9 since we approached them in the right way and resolved them, so I stop at the penultimate 650, I I don't know if you can answer but what could you say to tighten up the way of approaching the 650? What can be said?)

MB : but good god it's my problem at the moment, I'm coming to this, I realize it today, after I don't know how many, 8 or 9 months of discord, all the exchanges I've had , all the private messages that I have had, all that I have been able to collect in terms of information, all that I have been able to form in terms of conviction and appreciation of the game, I know that I must intervene, that is a certainty. Not necessarily that the owl would never be found if I didn't intervene, but it could take time and way too much time, more than I have left, so I don't really want that on the one hand , but I also don't put pressure on myself by saying that the owl must be found before I disappear, after all if I'm not here anymore I won't suffer much, so it doesn't matter. But what I mean is that in a logic which concerns the fact for me, today organizer, responsible for the game, I am still the interlocutor of several thousand people who participate in this game and I I say I still have duties towards them. So I can't say anything and do anything. And I feel very well that if I do not intervene on this notion of Super Solution, there is a vagueness which will continue for probably years and I do not want that and I do not want to betray the game either, so I am measuring, weighing what I can say or not say to at the same time guide without revealing. It's very complex.

(Q - nlc: because you consider that it is not yet enough?)

MB : until then I helped you with the puzzles, I taught you....

(Q - nlc: you helped us with the Super Solution, no more leftovers, we need to do a synthesis, you provided some guidance on what should be part of the synthesis or not, whether that is go through the last 2 puzzles, the order zone, Sentinels, hide/pile-pile...)

MB : do you think you have enough? Do you want me to say nothing more?

(Q - nlc: I don't know but in any case it's much more than last year, it's have to keep looking, I'll always be happy if you give more, today I consider that you have already given a lot and as you said the other day the brains are starting to whir, things are going a little in the right direction)

MB : that's for sure. You will notice that I am not rushing, I am telling you that I am thinking about it, I am working on it, I said it the other day I am in the process of making tools which will allow an exchange in a certain way, but I would, the day the exchange takes place, I will know what I have to say, for the moment I do not know. I am evaluating, weighing, appreciating things and people and understanding and learning, all at the same time. I experience the game very differently.
Besides, it's surprising because I still read, "yes but hey Max was the author of the riddles, he knew what he was talking about, Michel he's very nice but hey...". But we're not talking about the same thing at all, I don't compare myself at all to the author of the riddles. My point is not at all to intervene on the puzzles themselves, my point is to intervene in the understanding that can have, I use this term on purpose, the community of owls, I am talking about 'a collective understanding, I'm talking about the major trends that emerge from everything I can capture from current research and current theories, so from all of this I deduce that there is still a huge vagueness at the level of the Super Solution.< br /> So I am not at all into sharp, precise, clever, cryptic answers to precise questions about the enigmas to which I now refuse to answer. I am indeed in a completely direct exchange with the participants to try to prevent them from going completely crazy, from going anywhere, anyhow. I'm not saying that I'm going to have to say a lot of things, I'm also waiting to see, I'm thinking about it now because it's not something that I'm going to improvise at the last minute. At the same time I give time to time, I give you time to...
I follow very carefully what is happening on the discord, I read everything that is written and I really try to capture as much as possible and depending on that I will intervene, but I am obliged to prepare it now, I can't wait until the last minute to say, well, I'm going to tell them that. It's all about anticipation, preparation and that's what I'm doing.