Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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17/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 39 - part 1 - 07:00: We must forget the notion of remainder

MB : My concern today is to make people understand the worst notion is that of remainder. Every day I receive messages, you definitely have to forget the notion of leftovers, when you take a step forward don't look behind you, it's no use. I cannot be more clear and categorical, it is my duty, this notion is absolutely deadly, it is dramatic, we should never have talked about leftovers.

(Q - Shadow: you know, when the hunt started in 1993, for those who almost reached the end, we didn't even find an area, we didn't find anything in the end. We arrived at a 12th enigma, we had a point which arrived on a map and we only had one map, not even a 12th enigma. Here we arrived on a map to the 25 thousandth, finally the most precise possible. must have certainly caught things in the hunt and all these things happened by name, most of them named by people. The principle of having a map at the end was to figure out what to do with this map and then you had to find out why. So ultimately it's true that all these 12th puzzle problems, leftovers, all that, we suspected that there were at least some markers or things that could remind us of things on the cards but ultimately all that didn't exist. It didn't exist at the beginning if we could keep this principle, that is to say that I think that it is more important for the moment to, rather than to stick to it, to have the right one. way to find the famous zone, the famous sector and to get there. If at least we got to that, we might no longer have the, how do you say the gear, the final wink of "damn but it's of course" when arriving at the zone. rushing the Super Solution for me, I find that a little speeding things up for not much?)

(Q - nlc: except that Michel said that the blockage was not in the first 9 puzzles, so that means that there are people who have the zone, people who have the Sentinels, he has it already confirmed several times and therefore the blockage is really at the level of this cliff?)

(Q - Shadow: I am not of this opinion nlc, because we are looking for a Super Solution, everyone has more or less a zone, well I imagine, and to continue on this effect to say we attack the Super Solution with the change of gear, it pushes people even further into their zone If we were no longer looking for the famous sector or the famous final map I think it would be more of a step forward. to look for the Super Solution)

(Q - nlc: this is exactly the question I asked Michel in the last vocal and he answered very clearly the problem is not there!)

(Q - Shadow: if Michel can answer us?)

[see next vocal]