Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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15/04/2022 - Enregistrement 20 Part 2 - 21:20 : Measurement - Minitel filling

(Q- Isidore: Max Valentin said that the measurement is self-validating for example, that is to say that in its very name, we manage to find the way to find its value.. .)

MB : Isidore? Isidore? Do you want an answer that can help you or an answer that can make you happy?

(Q - Isidore: first who can make me happy and then who will help me if it's not the right one, that allows me to change course)

MB : then Max's answers on auto thing owl are Minitel fillers. These are things that could never or should have been said about this treasure hunt if it had remained simply a treasure hunt. But as it became a commercial product, through paid Minitel connection hours, there was a large quantity of paid Minitel hours. And among these paid minitel hours, there was a large majority of paid minitel hours which were purely filler, filler, and which contribute nothing to the hunt and frankly to hear what Isidore comes from him say [the measurement is self-validating], well Max has self-validated by his madits, that means the same, it means nothing.
The measurement is not self-validating, it is deduced.

(Q - Isidore: yes we find it in a certain way but in its constitution itself we manage to find how to find it)

MB : wait, Isidore the words have a meaning, to self-validate means to validate yourself, the measurement validates itself, I don't see where in the solutions that I know that the measurement is self-validating -valid, in no way validates itself, it doesn't make sense, what I'm trying to tell you is it doesn't make sense, it doesn't mean anything in French...

(Q - Isidore: in his game the measure is the foot, the foot is Pi and D and the foot is written PI and D, which allows you to know how to find the measure, by measuring the diameter and perimeter of the compass, this way the measurement is naturally self-validating)

MB : you are in a parallel universe which was created by Max, I'm not kidding at all Isidore, you are in the middle of a parallel universe which was created by Max using certain elements from my paintings which have nothing to do with it with what he expected from it, what he wanted from it, what he had asked for but which he still used, you are right in this thing...

(Q - Isidore: but the compass is 33 cm in diameter?)

MB : that's written in the specifications, but you weren't talking to me about that just now

(Q - Isidore: PI and D is the perimeter of the compass?)

MB : yes, yes, it's okay, I understand. But I repeat to you that you are in a parallel universe, and I repeat what I said a long time ago in this conversation, namely that there are elements which are in my paintings and which have been taken up by Max and which corroborate, indeed, what is in the riddles or the solutions to the riddles, which are entirely in line, which are unforeseen, which were not requested at all but it turns out that it coincides (see the rooster's beak, Cherbourg, Roncesvaux, something, I haven't finished hearing that one, and some are still convinced that it was calculated. And so you are in this parallel universe, so there are things that are true, there are things that might not be true, but when you tell me that this measure is self-validating, for me that doesn't mean anything. For you it probably makes sense. it means something.
I think that at the time when Max's like when he talked about Super Solution, of leftovers there had never been a question of that when we talked about the game and I can tell you that during the discussion on the launch of the game, never, never, there was any question of that, he had never considered that.
These are concepts, words, terms which have emerged through exchanges with players and which have become a vocabulary specific to the owl but which are not necessarily linked to a real meaning and which result from Minitel exchanges, as he had to respond, he formulated things, he reformulated them and the terms took on a value of reference and that's how it is today and there are many who mean nothing.
For me, in parenthesis, Super Solution means nothing, Méga Astuce means nothing, I know very well what is behind it but for me it means nothing, I would never have isolated these terms, I I would never have isolated the concepts behind it, never in this way. But I understand that by being subjected to thousands of hours of Minitel connection and questions/answers we end up, as I would surely do if I had to be there every day on the discord, I would not end up doing the same.
I'm not saying that the notions you evoke are true or false, it just means that you rely on things which a priori did not exist and which took on an existence along the way. For various reasons it has become elements that we take into account.

(Q - Isidore: but who has a certain reality?)

MB : for some of them yes, but for others no.

(Q - Isidore: there are some which still correlate with the results of the hunt and which are not asked)

MB : exactly that's what screws things up even more! But to keep or not...