Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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24/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 41 - 02:19:30 :30: Maps - The Pile poil is not to be found or pointed to on the map

(Q - Glory to Eternity: is the precise point on the 2nd card quick, the pile-up, the precise point on the 2nd card is quick and easy to find unlike the one on the ground?

MB : but no one ever said that there was a precise point to find on the map, on a 25000 thousandth map how do you want to find a precise point, it's not possible. Maps, in general, are used to validate a certain number of elements, cities, things like that regarding the map of France. Afterwards on the more precise map there are things to find but we understand that it is impossible to find a pile-up on a map to the 25 thousandth.

(Q - Nabil: Max said that in a madit, it's as precise on the ground as on the map)

MB : but I don't care what Max said, I don't want my words to constantly be compared to those of Max. We must stop this practice which is completely unhealthy. I tell you things with common sense and honesty, I don't care what Max said, I don't know all his curses, I will never know them by heart and I refuse to accept that each Every time I say something, someone puts it in parallel with what Max said. I have been trying to tell you for months, I wrote it in a book that I am publishing, that Max is an extremely troubled character, who has said things which, I think, he has not mastered the significance of. therefore we will spend our time comparing...)

(Q - Nabil: but Michel it was you who started "it seems to me that..." that's why I wanted to clarify)< /u>

MB : but I can appreciate it since I know the solutions but you don't. Frequently I am served a curse, something but Max said..., I tell you that Max said things that are likely to completely screw you over. so it is absolutely impossible to point out a precise point on a 25 thousandth map, that gives 10 or 15 or 20 square meters on the ground, that makes no sense.

(Q - Nabil: and that's not enough to identify the landmarks?)

MB : but we're not talking about identifying benchmarks, we're talking about defining a pile there. What should I understand when you tell me "it's not enough to identify landmarks"?

(Q - Nabil: because we need some guidelines to apply the pile-pile when we are on site?)

MB : but landmarks are not a precise point on a map, if you're talking about landmarks that's one thing, if you're talking about the pile-up it's another.

(Q - Nabil: I don't know that's what he said sfk, in fact that's what he calls the spot, 2 meters away we find, we go to this place)

MB : we have an area which is the size of an average city, we have a spot which is 20 meters around, what you have just said therefore roughly 400 square meters...)

(Q - Nabil: I define a point, I go to that point, I look around me...)

MB : you cannot define a point on a map to the 25 thousandth, you can define a location.

(Q - Nabil: yes a place, I think that's what sfk means, I go to that place, I look at what I find and if I find what I'm looking for)< /i>

MB : and then what is the problem around that?

(Q - Nabil: can I point this place on the map?)

MB : you cannot point to a precise point on the map, it is not possible, you will find landmarks, you will find things, elements on the map but that is in no way something very precise, it is only by going there that you can do something very precise.

(Q - Nabil: I don't want to insist, I point out a place, I go there, I search, I find my mark(s) and I do something specific, it's not at all that?)

MB : I'm not saying that it's not that at all, we are in a certain logic but what I don't understand is that you have been trying for a while now that with the 2nd card there would be something precise to find, it is precise to the extent that we are on a map to the 25 thousandth, so what we find on this map is not something that is 4 square meters, it is something more big than that. These are elements that appear on a map with the degree of either precision or imprecision of a map to the 25 thousandth.

(Q - BlackCorbac: I understand what Nabil is saying, he is trying to make you say in fact the Super Solution is an operating mode which allows us, from elements that we have identified, to determine our stack -hair)

MB : well yes, that’s definitely the Super Solution. What I'm trying to position correctly is the 2nd card and the use that should be made of it. If the idea of ??saying that on the 2nd card we can determine a pile the answer is no, it is not precise enough.

(Q - BlackCorbac: are the elements found on the 2nd card necessary to determine the operating mode)

MB : BlackCorbac go to bed, I don't want to let myself be cooked like that. we are going completely off track.

(Q - Nabil: sorry but it's very difficult, just to tell you that it's a confusion among the owls, no one agrees)< br />
MB : damn good evening, there is no confusion, you navigate on a map, the map of France, when you say to yourself I have arrived where I must arrive you take the more precise map because there it is necessary find things and once you have taken, found on the more precise map the markers that you need, it is carried out on the ground because there you have to become much, much, much more precise to be to the nearest centimeter and that no card allows you to do this.