Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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24/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 41 - 02:02:00 :00: SS - There is nothing subjective about how it works

MB : To get around today you have to have found something fairly explicit, yes obviously, but which fits completely with the terrain, the terrain of enigmas, which is completely in the thing. If we start looking for things that are a little convoluted, that are a little...if we start with symbolism, in things that are a little esoteric, a little subjective, there is nothing subjective. in fact it's a good criterion: nothing is subjective in the Super Solution. Its mechanics, somewhere, have something subjective but once you are inside, the operation is no longer subjective. So when we say to ourselves I have the intuition that, I think that, I will see that this place is at high risk.

(Q - pericles [who has been on his site for several days]: he wonders whether he is within 1 or 2 ml)

MB : if we are on the location and we do not have the means to resolve this notion within a few meters, it is because we are not able to go there. the principle is that before going there we must have in our head the way to resolve this problem of the last few meters, we may still have a little doubt but we know how to proceed to remove the doubt.