Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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24/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 41 - 01:46:10 6:10: Compass – Clarification on its usefulness

(Q - Alexandre: [inaudible initially] so I can't understand by listening to your vocals that you can say both, the compass is not necessary and another vocal you say the compass is absolutely necessary I am categorical and Max Valentin said that the compass was not necessary So I add an element to my question, do you realize, let's imagine someone who has a Super Solution and he must measure. an azimuth, let's admit, in 10 years the author says that there is no need for a compass, the person says well there is no azimuth to measure, I pack up my Super Solution is not good. That's a lot of mish-mash in the heads of the researchers. There you say we only need a compass and a shovel so there is nothing to measure, you see the reasoning that the researchers make? Here you have IQ and analytics, so with this kind of talk there is doubt so I would just like, because I also find it strange to ask what are the elements to take on the ground because that reveals in some way apart from the nature of the Super Solution or on the contrary invalidates certain Super Solutions, so is this compass story clear, you clarified it because you see that the researchers are a little confused or is it that were you simply wrong?)

MB : so thank you for the question because I find it super interesting, thank you for putting me against the wall, it's always interesting too. My position is as follows, I intervene downstream of an adventure which lasted a long time with many things which were said and written and since I started the discord and as I intervene in the vocals I learn, I understand, I deduce and I draw my conclusions on a certain number of things. I said one day I know, I'll stop there.
I think that to tackle the Super Solution, it is good to equip yourself and that I have already said, so here I am going to be even clearer because indeed I think it is good to remove the doubt. I think you should have all the usual utensils that a treasure hunter has. This means that if I refer to what I had in my pockets when I went there and I advise that to everyone, that's clear, I advise everyone, I I had in my pockets a compass, a lamp, a measuring tape, a certain number of pegs, stakes and string.

(Q - Alexandre: but as you said compass and shovel, do you take into account the impact on the players who say to themselves that there is no need to measure and who eliminate things, tracks...)

MB : I perceive it completely but I am automatically, although my positions become more and more firm and precise on the subject, the successor of what was said in the madits, consequently I know that in the heads of the researchers there is a lot of information, some of it contradictory, some of it false, so I try to navigate through it by giving elements in turn depending on the questions asked of me. So to lift things up once and for all, because I think this kind of point is very well done, I think it is essential to have in your pocket a measuring tape, a compass, the stakes, the strings, things, everyone does their scouting as they want, takes their bearings, their distances, their things, but I think it's essential to have that in your pocket.
And I am extremely embarrassed about this, this is where my approach is complicated, it is that in the madits, the comments which will be made tomorrow in opposition to what I say this evening, some think that the compass is not It's not necessary because Max said there was no need for a compass. personally I couldn't have done without it.

(Q - Alexandre: excuse me for insisting because there is another answer to which you do not answer, it is that in the minds of the researchers, me in this case perhaps no others, I can't understand how you can say to the question is a compass necessary, in the oldest vocals in a clear way, there it is more categorical, but we have the impression that this is not the case)

MB : I am categorical when people talk about me, I think that there are people who can do without one, without a compass, someone who is quite sharp, with a good sense of direction, who knows very well well its subject can ultimately do without it. I think 90% of owlers are going to need a compass. My principle is not to lie, I refuse to lie, to maintain an established lie, things that are admitted and which are false, so I voluntarily dismantle them. On this point, the principle of the Super Solution is such that I think that certain minds could do without a compass, even without a compass, come on, we'll get there. It's so complicated to explain without revealing too much...I think that if we really have the Super Solution we can manage to operate without a compass but I think that faced with this problem, 90% of people will have when even need a compass to be sure of their move.
This is where we return, we fall back on this poison that are the curses, yes we can do without them but I think that the majority of people will not be able to do without them, I couldn't do without them. To pass on it, because I perhaps don't have an exceptional sense of direction, I was happy to have my compass. The reality is that you can get there without a compass.

(Q - ??: can a scout do without a compass?)

MB : scouts are renowned for having some means of doing without it, the little magnetic needle and the water contained inside a leaf for example...joking aside from a scout, someone who has a good sense of direction, a perfect knowledge of your subject is able to find your way in the field but once again I went there in the middle of the night so scouting in the middle of the night is more complicated than during the day, there are lots of parameters that can have an impact. Honestly, someone who likes to go out with a belt and suspenders will bring a compass.

(Q - ??: and the meter was also specific to you?)

MB : no the meter frankly there is a notion of distance we cannot eliminate it, there are always ways to measure but a meter is so much easier than anything else.