Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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24/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 41 - 32:00 : Hunting oriented Surprise rally

MB : Besides, there is a notion that seems interesting to me to highlight, it will seem surprising to you but I think it is interesting to talk about it now. When Max Valentin created his hunt, he had a little experience of Surprise Rallies and the essential parameter between a surprise rally and the golden owl is the time factor, that is to say that he designed it a a bit like a surprise rally but he never imagined that the time factor would be added to it. A surprise rally takes place, one day, one weekend and he designed his hunt in this way and everything that was added afterwards and here I am referring directly to the madits, it is linked to the time factor, that unfolded more and more, lasted more and more...And this time factor diluted the relevance, the incisive side that certain first curses, certain first additional indications, could have had, all that was diluted afterwards with the time factor , it's paraphrased and took on a slightly esoteric image, another connotation when the hunt had to take place much faster.
And in fact this uqe you evoke from the 10th, 11th, the notion of Super Solution, Mega Tip, leftovers, all these terms which were born thanks to the time factor. If the hunt had been found in 24 months there would not have been all these words and everything would have remained much simpler. So I completely agree with you in saying that today we have to go back to 11 puzzles, 11 solutions period.