Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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24/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 41 - 08:20 : English translation of hunting

(Q - syn: there is already an English translation)

MB : yes I know there are even several. Despite the fact that I am not an English speaker, there are things that only I can translate, that even an English person could not translate for me of course. so I'm going to base myself on a translation made by an English speaker and I'm going to rework particularly on the wording of the puzzles.


MB : but I'm counting on it.

(Q - nlc: Isidore is going to have a heart attack!)

MB : the problem of a heart attack is like apnea....don't think I'm improvising, I've thought about all this carefully, of course it's translatable. Of course it could provide some insight for the French to see what I did in English, and conversely for the English to compare with the French version, and of course this will not allow the hunt to be deflowered, the mystery will remain intact .

(Q - BlackOrbac: where would the difficulties lie in the translation?)

MB : I don't think there are any major difficulties, I will have to work on vocabulary because we have to think about synonyms, we have to actually think about certain connotations, certain ideas linked to certain words in the English language which are not the same in the French language, so you need a little caution, revise everything carefully but overall it does not seem to pose any major difficulties to me. There will be no big clues, the logic is the same in English and French.