Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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20/11/2021 - Enregistrement 1 - 48:40 : False leads in the game

(Q - ??: speaking of Dabo, is it in the solutions, Max Valentin talked a lot about this famous motorway false track: does he include false tracks in the solutions ?)

MB : he will check again but from memory he does not insist on the False Leads, his personal conviction is that he subsequently fabricates them when he sees false leads being born from the players. There are some phenomenal finds - like PROSERPINE (isn't that right Tina!) and what's more, it holds up.

(Q - ??: researchers say it's PROSERPINE, it's not possible but it's incredible)

MB : we hear MB respond “absolutely” in the hubbub.

(Q - tina: there are some incredible tracks that are not right but still crazy and difficult to get rid of)

MB : there are 2 things, some of which are obviously not correct but others which strangely are not that far from the right path to follow and that Max Valentin saw it.