Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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27/11/2021 - Enregistrement 3 - 1:35:30 30:650 - Knowledge of Sentinels - BSM

(Q - apollo: for the Sentinels, you said you didn't know them before)

MB : you know me in Corrèze, I flew a little in Aurillac and I know the place because I flew over it in a plane but I never went there, it's called the Merle towers, large, very surprising towers, there are lots of places like that that could be Sentinels and that I don't know, yet it's not far from where I live

(Q - apollo: there is a big implication when you say you didn't know them before)

MB : what do you mean by big involvement?

(Q - apollo: you have heard of Bornes Saint-Martin before...)

MB : I don't understand, are you saying that the fact that I don't know the Sentinels has a big implication? That doesn't exclude any place since I didn't say what place it was?

(Q - Tina: Michel is the difference between you knew them from having heard about Dabo in hunting or did you really know them in tourism?)< br />
MB : neither one nor the other and it's really a subject, a part of hunting that never really interested him, I was much more interested in what was happening around the game, what could say Max Valentin)

(Q - apollo: Michel, let me explain, if you have never heard of them and you don't know them, as you go through the different forums, have surely heard of Les Bornes Saint-Martin?)

MB : I've heard about it and I'm hearing about it today, it's clear, but I haven't been to the forums 150 times, now I'm going back a bit, I've never visited the forums.< br />