Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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17/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 39 - part 1 - 01:24:00: Design of the Hunt - Impact on players

(Q - lumen: lots of false leads)

MB : you know lumen, we are talking about the starting time, the 90s or even the design time 15 years before, at that time when we were doing communication, Max was a marketing consultant specializing in sales by correspondence, no internet, no email, you received a prospectus which praised a product, traditional communication. when Max developed these texts, his enigmas, when he wrapped them in vocabulary, he did that with this practice of designing advertising texts. How are we going to praise a treasure hunt as we praise a film at the cinema, we are going to tease with a little background music,...and designed riddles in this way, like the text of Father Méhus in this spirit there, an advertising text. in everything he wrote it was to raise the towers, to make people passionate about it, to search, to dig. At the time he only worked with words, not encryption software, and he realized at the same time as everyone else the significance of words, the guys go in all directions, it works well and then he embroidered a little on his own original work, I added a layer,..