Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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23/04/2022 - Conférence #1 Part 1 - 1:09:25 25: Puzzle Progression - Deductions

(Q: before the Super Solution, question of clarification, would you say that outside of the Super Solution, once we have solved the primary decryptions (e.g. charades, 10 cities, the Perched Black Ship and Carignan) is most of the work done to get to the area and the rest would just be a matter of deduction?)

MB : you say the charade, the ten cities, the walrus (?), Carignan, that's already a lot of work, even if he hasn't done the puzzles, is the biggest one actually already done? And a matter of deduction, as he didn't do the research, it's difficult to answer.

(Q: Does that make the Super Solution not that important in percentage terms compared to the hunt?)

MB : he will talk about it later, the Super Solution is only important at the end, we don't have to think about it along the way, it's the outcome of the game.