Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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23/04/2022 - Conférence #1 Part 1 - 47:00 : 500 - 4-center spiral

(Q: the 4 centers that are placed on the map of France, can we find them on a precise map?)

MB : he supposes that we can find them on a answer to give to that, he doesn't know. We are talking about centers so this sense....the 4 centers we can position them on what we want, we can trace them on a map, on white paper to see what it looks like and put them on display. scale then. There are lots of solutions and so on, we can also not trace them, he knows nothing about them so no answers on these points.

(Q: can we replace 4-center spiral with Fibonnacci spiral?)

MB : nothing needs to be changed in the text.

(Q: entire spiral at 560606 measures, a tip?)

MB : no tricks, now the only thing that surprises him is the assertion like that 560606 that it is extremely precise and that a spiral necessarily has a certain magnitude so what is at 560606 measurements can being only a point of the spiral, according to him, it is logical (it is not an index). He interprets what he hears, and what he understands is that it is not a point and cannot be entirely a pile.

(Q: he says he saw the spiral on the Internet, he talks about its nature, its location or both?)

MB : he saw the 2...

(Q: are the said entire spiral at 560606 fake?)

MB : with what he has just said it cannot be entirely at this place, probably a point of the spiral at this distance, but he has not checked. On a precise point which is the outcome of this measurement, there can only be one point of the spiral, it seems logical.

(Q - tina: for example if we take a spiral route, the point is Dabo and in fact underneath there is the spiral with 4 centers so it is all on one point?)< /i>

MB : he says that it is not an essential curse ("so tempted as there is!").