Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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23/04/2022 - Conférence #1 Part 1 - 17:05 : Blockages in the hunt

(Q - ??: if we understand him he tells us on the one hand, he advises us to get rid of the shackles of madits and the diktats of the close guard in order to leave cold case style with a new freshness of mind and he also indicated that most of the solutions are on the Internet Most of the good solutions are on the Internet But said solutions are necessarily themselves imbued with madits/diktats. Can he explain this apparent paradox to us? ?)

MB : it is only a paradox that, given the researchers, it has the solutions. So when he sees them on the Internet, he has already said it, most of the good solutions are found on the Internet, he confirms it. That said, when we talk about close guard, diltats, expressions that he recognizes well, the cold case too, he will provide all the elements to answer them.