Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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23/04/2022 - Conférence #1 Part 2 - 1:51:00 00: Enigmas - No multiple reading levels

(Q: In your cleaning company, can you also scan the 2nd reading level? Max Valentin had always refused to answer this question, namely we resolve a first time the riddles in order then go back to the first riddle and add a second layer. Would you accept this evening that it doesn't exist?)
MB : no systematically like that, no, it doesn't exist, there may be a need to cross-reference (in one's head, in one's logic) certain solutions to try to understand certain things. This is part of the usual gymnastics of treasure hunts, we solve the puzzles, we have them in mind, we have our solutions in mind, we can cross-check them, but no need for a 2nd or 3rd pass, absolutely not.