Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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23/04/2022 - Conférence #1 Part 2 - 1:46:35 35:780 - Pedestrian on the visual

(Q - ??: do you accept the word pedestrian? Does a pedestrian exist? Max Valentin validated these expressions in the madits)< br />
MB : he sees clearly where the researcher is coming from, he painted a pedestrian it's obvious, a character, we see it - horses, a stagecoach or I don't know what, but the use that Max made of it in the cursed ones are his business.
As for the concept of pile-up, what I demolish are the concepts which distort the game. This term pile-up does not mislead the game.

(Q - ??: he thinks that pile-on is what's left of the solutions)

MB : no, no you are on the wrong track - French expression, it is correct, precise, it simply means that the point to find is very precise, it does not go further than that.

(Q - ??: you say that the curses have no meaning but Max Valentin, he repeats several times that there would be a tiny clue to the one with the Super Solution)

MB : the hunt is sufficient in itself, we know what was requested in the Specifications - The curses are more likely to mislead the researcher.