Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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17/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 39 - part 1 - 01:04:00: SS - Break with previous puzzles - Vocabulary

(Q - Maxarbitr: I remember from the last voices that once we arrive at the Super Solution, we can put the 9 enigmas aside, that neither their text, nor their visual, nor their title does not serve us for the Super Solution and the tip However, can we consider only what comes from the first 9 puzzles, namely our lines on the map, for example, where the resolutions have a role. important to play in the Super Solution or should that also be put aside?)

MB : the determining element of the Super Solution is that we leave the previous context of the hunt, I insist a lot on this there is a real break, so everything you can re-use from the work , the progress, the decryption, everything you did upstream, these are elements that can at least be considered once acquired as part of your overall understanding of the thing. From the moment you acquired this, I had mentioned this image one day it's like vocabulary, from the moment you have a vocabulary word, the moment you want to express an idea, you use this word there, it arrives on its own, even if it is a little complicated you know it, you have adopted it, you know what it means, you use it. That's a bit like that, you have solved the puzzles, there are lots of things that you have understood, you are in the right place, what you have acquired will come to your head by itself, you don't have to invoke a specific or particular resource from the work that you have done upstream to be able to approach and resolve the Super Solution. What will stay in your head is enough, you don't need to ask yourself any questions about it, it's there, it's enough and you will completely know how to use it to the extent that you need it when the time comes. . In other words, there is no intellectual approach which consists of saying, what have I understood, picked up in passing, this famous notion of remainder, absolutely dangerous, if you start saying that to yourself you will You lose. On the other hand, if you say to yourself, OK, I understood, I made progress, I got there so it's okay, it's good, you're ready, it will happen on its own, you don't ask any questions.< br />