Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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14/05/2022 - Conférence #2 - Débrief - 1:28:55 55: Passage keys - Sequence of puzzles

(Q - apollo: 9 independent riddles and 2 not to be deciphered, is that right?)

MB : yes. When he says that the enigmas are independent, that does not mean that they are disjointed, it means that we attack an enigma independently of another but at a given moment we still have to synthesize, we have to make our own famous route, you have to arrive somewhere, you have to find something, so it is obvious that there are still links between the puzzles but no mechanics, no system that we could call the passage key, that's not the case. 'doesn't exist, no chaining mechanism

(Q - apollon: 530 Bourges then 780 south and I have to synthesize?)

MB : no, the riddles follow each other in the right order, you can decipher a riddle, one or two further, you can decipher them in the order you want, decipher them more precisely (???) but at at a given moment we still have to put together what we have found, otherwise we don't see how we can move forward, there is still a logic of sequence but no mechanism strictly speaking which allows the deciphering of 'an enigma, of a mechanism which comes from the previous one. if we find Bourges, in the following enigma we will have to start from Bourges but that does not mean that Bourges will allow us to decipher the following enigma. Bourges will be used to synthesize what we will deduce from the following enigma, for example to apply it on the map, on the tool that the map represents, you will point to Bourges then after what you found in the next one , and we're going to, he doesn't know, draw a line, do something else, he doesn't know what and we're going to chain together what we find in the puzzles to get somewhere. But 2 enigmas that we will not be able to decipher if we have not deciphered the previous one.