Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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17/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 39 - part 2 - 27:35: The Owl is not buried at the foot of the Sentinels

(Q - ??: I have 2 hours before the storm, do you have any advice for a walk around the rock?)

MB : I don't know the region well enough, my paternal family is from Sarreguemines, it's near Dabo I think, but I haven't lived there, I don't know the region very well. The only specific thing that I said and repeat: the owl is not at the foot of the Sentinels, the owl is not at the center of the Sentinels so stop for those who are digging there, you massacre the site and I'm in the process of being turned on by the archeology services, there are going to be waves one day or another with this, we have to stop massacre this area. I tell you, my words are very precise and chosen, I won't say one more, she is not at the foot of the Sentinels, she is not at the center of the Sentinels so don't massacre all that, okay? So those who imagine that the Saint-Martin terminals are the Sentinels, I tell you do not massacre this site. I see photos, stories, I see all that, we're going to get yelled at.