Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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17/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 39 - part 1 - 35:20: Cool solutions - Extraordinary coincidences

(Q - Roc: you did it a bit today by saying that the Gear Shift depends on our understanding of the previous puzzles)

MB : yes and your ability to consider that the previous puzzles are much less complicated than you imagine. From there you can move on.

(Q - Roc: but in this statement there is something imprecise, you said previous enigmas, but the understanding of the preceding enigmas is done enigma by enigma and we understand things to each differently and it is this whole understanding that we must use?)

MB : then another disturbing element for me is that the people who write to me in private messages trust me extremely, which I appreciate enormously. They tell me a lot of things about their solutions, they really explain things to me and I see that there are completely sensible, well-supported reasonings, but which are echoes, that's almost the case for everything the world, the echo of somewhat extraordinary coincidences.
People write to me that it's not possible, it's too extraordinary a coincidence, obviously that's what Max wanted and here I'm wrong in saying but you don't even imagine to what extent coincidences are even more extraordinary than the game itself. People mention place names to me, stuff, but also things but it's crazy, indeed the coincidences are crazy so I realize that there are very well constructed reasonings of intelligent people, there is no a lot of weirdos in the hunt, a few surely, but there are brains, people even I am impressed, I say to myself I have something heavy in front of me. And almost always it's this theory, these ideas for solutions, these Super Solutions of which we are certain, we are sure to have found, it's madness and it's based on things so crazy that it's what which today fuels the game.
It's so incredible that this hunt could continue like this for decades. If we rely on coincidences, on elements that are's so crazy we say to ourselves it's not possible that it's a coincidence, it's so extraordinary. But I assure you that there are plenty of extraordinary things and we must not rely on that, we must rely on things that are much more down to earth, much more pragmatic, concrete, much less poetic for some and that's how you can find the owl, it's not by going off on things and saying to yourself I'm on cloud nine, it's wonderful, the infinitely prolific brain of Max Valentin managed to find this kind of thing . But no, no, we have to come back to earth, that’s my approach today.