Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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17/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 39 - part 1 - 32:20: Private messages - Disarray of Chouetteurs

MB : I'm going to make a false digression from what you're telling me Roc, because I started this morning to get into the 1000 or so messages waiting for me. I notice and it is very touching for me because I see people who are sometimes quite incisive, some peremptory, others in need of recognition, who preach their solutions, who boast, who sell their solutions and I I notice that when they write to me in private messages, I get things like "I'm lost, I don't know what to do anymore..." and I want to emphasize that because it's directly linked to this What we are discussing about the ins and outs of this game is that there is a huge gap between the appearance of this game and what is actually happening to the players. I'm faced with this and that's why I'm so keen to tell the truth, to try to re-orient the players, not to give hot stuff that will make the game speed up. .
So far I haven't given anything that could speed up the game, honestly. Even if you have the impression that... yes I demolished a few tracks, obviously I pruned the scenery a little but I didn't give anything decisive and I refuse to do that anyway. But I completely understand the dismay of people who say what we can rely on and that's a bit the question you just asked me Roc, at what point there is this change of gear, what to rely on , what to rely on, what we can rely on to say “we are doing well””. This is really the debate of the day and I assure you that I am unable to respond to it in a spontaneous and instantaneous way, it requires reflection, exchange with you, on my part to capture a lot things to tell me, this is what I can do to support the research, to help people say to themselves "I'm not in total limbo, I have a way of knowing when I'm on the right track thing"". And I have to do that without giving any determining elements that would make it too easy to find the solutions. This is the debate we have been having for months.