Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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18/06/2022 - Enregistrement 33 - part 1 - 1:13:50 50: Influence of Max Valentin on the duration of the hunt

MB : That's a bit like that, he tries to introduce 2 characters Max Valentin and MB. Max Valentin manipulated and disoriented the players a little... He was an intelligent, brilliant guy. He fooled people, but without calculation with his reflex attitude of wit, repartee...
All this intoxicated him, Minitel cash machine, and the habit was formed and the community was formed. He is the contemporary character of the hunt.

(Q - bioposis: there are somewhat "basic" puzzles and a final reasoning which is completely different)

MB : not as basic as that, there are extremely constructed, very elaborate puzzles, this hunt is a stroke of genius...
If sponsor had not withdrawn he would never have been able to do this...