Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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18/06/2022 - Enregistrement 33 - part 2 - 1:31:50 50: Blocking the chase - New IS

(Q - gogo: researchers have searched without the Madits but not found??)

MB : I have already shed light on the content of the visuals - there is a probability that the owl will not be found! A helping hand may prove necessary, I think Max Valentin would have done it.

(Q - ??: on the trigger or a difficult riddle?)

MB : he will try to do something elegant in relation to what he knows about the solutions and the players, because he knows what they expect but also much better what they need. He will not press on a specific point or a specific enigma, if he brings something it will be a ready meal. There will be different ingredients that will speak but at the same time sufficiently evocative and detached from certain particularities of the game so as not to make too easy clues, so that it can be useful to everyone.

(Q - ??: unequal compared to the advancement of some?)

MB : he wants to avoid this trap, he is not yet sure of the real possibility of measuring the exact progress of a player, solving a certain number of puzzles okay, there are some which are surely more good solutions than others, depending on what they do with it, it's difficult to say. This is one of the particularities of the game, of this hunt and like no other, measuring this progress is not easy.

(Q - bioposis: rather than being on the positive side, rather removing a negative point, but not obvious?)

MB : yes, he believes that we can get there, perhaps not in one go, so that there is progressive digestion, time to assimilate and as he rightly says it must save many people from getting lost.

(Q - bioposis: elimination of possibilities, not this kind of thing, stuff...)

MB : it's tricky because there are thousands of theories on each element of the hunt that he must be careful about what he is going to advance on.