Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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18/06/2022 - Enregistrement 33 - part 2 - 47:35 : Voice exchanges on Discord - Relaunch of the Game

MB : You know, I enjoy these exchanges because you always speak to me in my voice but I like listening to you, the intonations used; they manage to follow me, regain confidence, it’s important for me to be able to create this confidence.

(Q - biopiosis: we thank you but many of us are perplexed by what you say but we have to give time)

MB : you are not logical, it is not in relation to what I am saying that you should be perplexed, it is in relation to Max, you must be perplexed in relation to a character who played a role not at all anticipated in the initial hunt. But in relation to me I tell you, I talk to you about hunting news.

(Q - bioposis: okay but understand that with what has been said for years, decades we can be perplexed, we have to give time, that's all)

MB : that's exactly what I think, we need to give ourselves a little time, we shouldn't rush. We were talking about a possible boost, we'll see, but what I can tell you is that there are a lot of faces I'm talking to, there's a lot of gray matter and an incubation time can be imagined above all a time of adaptation moreover, say to oneself well we have changed millennium, decor, we have to re-adapt that I can understand and I am quite confident in the fact that time will play its role and I hope it won't be too long.

(Q - bioposis: yes that's what I tell everyone that it's been 6 months since Michel, it's not that long)

MB : 6 months over 30 years is not much.