Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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18/06/2022 - Enregistrement 33 - part 2 - 11:45 : Traces - 2 essential, the others optional

MB : There are plots at everyone's discretion, there are essential ones, there are others that can be done, so if you are talking about the precise map, there are plots that can be done. 'being and which are not necessarily essential and on the map of France it's a bit the same thing. Overall we could almost do without the routes by looking at the map, saying ok, okay, ultimately, apart from 2 routes which he considers essential, others are more or less optional, but depending on the person The approach can be different, so nothing prevents drawing traits, some can be extremely useful but it does not say that there is a particular trait imposed on this or that card more than another, frankly you have to work with your head and at a given moment there are some who have an ability to remember numbers, others not at all and there are some who need to trace to understand well and others who say ok here we go from there it goes there I understood. If he had been an owl he would probably have drawn lines on both cards.