Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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17/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 39 - part 2 - 01:00:10: Relaunch of the Game - Calm the myth

MB: And today we all, me first since once again unlike you it's only been a little over a year since I've really had my feet in it, since before, I was completely outside in done in hunting itself, we are all faced with this return to reality, we come back with our feet on the ground. And how do we do so, without denying, without demolishing the energy, the efforts, the millions of hours devoted by thousands, tens of thousands of researchers to this hunt, how do we do today to bring it back into the field? possible in terms of its resolution, without betraying all those who devoted so much time to it and without demolishing the work of one or the other.
In other words, without putting everyone back in a few minutes on a second starting line as was mentioned to me, which would be located a few meters from the cache, it would be stupid of me to do, it would be criminal, the story is much too beautiful. But the problem is extremely complicated. I'm trying to tell you that psychologically, one of the major phenomena that today makes this hunt self-sustaining, that history writes itself, is the enormous imagination that thousands of people wondering about these riddles. You have an imagination that is so rich, I can tell you that it is rich, it is very rich, you bring so many elements to this hunt that it becomes, but, but, but, but it is a story that is colossal today, it is monumental everything that has been imagined, created, produced around this, but that is not what should have happened.
So for me, my role today is to gradually say, we are going to calm the myth, reduce the pressure a little, to come back closer to the ground and say now, we are coming back to realities, how do we go about finding .
This is really the approach that must be taken today and it is extremely complicated, are we betraying history, are we betraying the myth of the owl by clumsily demolishing it, or are we betraying the myth of the owl by clumsily demolishing it, or do we all arrive together through our exchanges, through what is even happening at the moment, the fact that we spend hours there, through that we manage to ensure that we comes back, it's going to take us a year, it's going to take us two years, it's going to take us three years, someone will find it, so we're back within the departure deadline, I would say hunting, is that we place it within the possibilities that Max Valentin had imagined at the start, namely, it will be found in one year, in two years, in three years, but in a period of time that is entirely acceptable or not. Are we not getting there or are we sticking to our common dream?
Me, to tell myself it's a hunt that will become so legendary that the treasure will never be found, you, to tell you it's so wonderful that I continue to search, I enjoy myself, but ultimately both , we are not about to achieve anything! That's the real problem, so the first determining parameter of this hunt is the psychological parameter, the psychology of the players. I know people are going to make fun of me elsewhere, they're going to say Becker he thinks he's the shrink, whatever, it's Becker's couch and whatever, but I don't care. I tell you the first parameter, it is psychological, who are you, how do you position yourself in relation to hunting, do you realize the imagination that you throw around on this and is it that you really believe that Max Valentin would have put so many? So...