Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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09/08/2022 - Enregistrement n° 37 - 02:45:30 :30: SS - You have to find/understand the question

(Q - SFK: in the last vocal you focused on the Super solution where you had to find the right question, which is new, the fact that it is the question that you have to find for the Super solution which is more important than the answer itself which is relatively simple?)

MB: I'm not sure I said more important but in any case it is certain that, and I confirm it, the answer, the answer is within the reach of a 15 year old child, that for me we are agreement. The question is true that this is the problem, that is to say that I see it in all the theories that are sent to me, all the proposals for Super solutions that I can see and each time, we are in things which are random, we are not sure what it is based on, we found a clue, we established a correlation, we start from there and everything is fine and we find something, everyone has their measure, their own direction, its angle, I don't know what, everyone has ideas on that very well.
But the truth of what I'm faced with today is why don't players know how to answer this, quote, last riddle or what we call the super solution? Because they don't understand it! If when a riddle is asked to you, we talk about the first nine riddles that are asked to you, there is a text and a visual, there is all that, it's cryptic, it's rebus, it's charades, it's That's all you want ok, we search we find. But when we..., if we give you something where there isn't..., where the question is not explicit, where the riddle is not posed clearly, it's even more difficult to provide an answer to it and it is really for me today this problem that I am working on, which I am confronted with and you are confronted with, is that in fact this Super solution, you do not know what you have to answer, you don't know what to rely on.
We talked to you about leftovers so there are those who go looking for little bits of stuff in all the puzzles, they have no chance of ever finding them, if we continue like this it's certain that we will never find them. There are lots of things happening like that and I say to myself there has been no information communicated from the organizer of the game, from the author of the puzzles at least, therefore from this Max Valentin great beginner in the 80s, who had never done that in his life, who came up with something that he probably made more complex or thought he would make more complex in 1992, when we discussed with the sponsor and he said to himself he I still don't have to miss out because the prize money is still high. So we have to be sure that it won't be found in 8 days or in two months, so maybe he's hardened things a bit.
But from my side I don't see what you could answer since you don't really know what the question is or what the riddle is. You know that there is something but you don't know what to rely on and that's what I'm talking about, when I say I should be able to put some guides in place so that you can say oh well yes there I actually understand, I am perhaps in the right thing because there is an echo with an element that is given to me as being a guide as being an indication of direction, of reflection.
It's not additional elements of enigmas, it's more about guiding thought, it's extremely difficult to do and I realize that very well but there you go, there are no questions asked so it It is true that the answer to this last enigma is all the more difficult because we do not know what this enigma is.
Here we have no idea what it is and it is certainly not the notion of the remainders which can allow us to find what it is, certainly not.