Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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22/03/2024 - Vocal n° 66 - 1:33:50 50: 650 - 8000 measures to go - The hunt is not a treasure map

(Q - McDonald's: But the author had to use a card to calculate these 8000 measurements.)

MB: So what?

(Q - McDo: Oh no but there you go, ok. No, I was reasoning absurdly. You said that he, the author, was forced to use a second card.)

MB: The author, he knew the places. Afterwards, when he came back up, he created a route. He started from his arrival to create his course. Yes, he took action. How did he take them? Probably on a map, actually. It is quite logical. But he had a duty to provide precise elements to enable players to find. Now, when we do it the other way, we get somewhere, we have to run through, say, these 8000 measures, we have different ways of doing it.
First of all, we're not going to talk about 8000 measurements, the measurement, we're going to calculate it, we're going to say 8000 measurements, that's that many, so we're very likely going to question a distance in meters, kilometers. And so, we are able to question different sources which can be once again a tourist office, a map, why not, or people who know the places or whatever, or any documentation. There are different ways of proceeding, but for the designer of the puzzles, it is obvious that he had the absolute necessity to give precise elements, therefore to measure, therefore to probably, indeed, use a map.

(Q - ??: And you understand that today, with all the tools that we have had for several years already, it is normally more relevant for us, researchers, to use a second Maybe more than it could have been at the time, when it was already relevant to... People were already using a second card at the time. But what I mean is that today. 'today... Because in fact, many people have the impression that we should not use the second map to find the sentries, etc. And some people argue that yes, but. no, you use your second card for 8000 measurements Well, where there are 8000 measurements, we can use a card But as a result, it doesn't necessarily seem odd to me...)

MB: The map, use it, don't use it, take it virtually, take it on paper, do whatever you want with the map. But in no case do not try to make a treasure map out of it. It's useless.

(Q - ??: Yes, of course. In fact, today, no one is going to call a tourist office to ask what is there at 8000 measures, sorry, such things, what. Everyone wants to use a map, that's what I was going with )

MB: Are you betting with me? Should we call certain tourist offices to see?