(Q - 1+1=3: So, with this way of presenting the division into 9 plus 2, do we understand that this invalidates the possibility of a second passage on the
riddles, that there is a linearity, perhaps not geographical, but riddles of the kind where we repeat the first 9 then the last 2, but there is no need to go over again??)
MB: Yes, it’s very clear. Besides, I'm not inventing anything, I'm taking this again, one of the original presentations of the hunt envisaged by Max. That was the first way he presented his thing, that was it.
(Q - 1+1=3: We collect at each puzzle, we collect everything each time we pass.)
MB: Nine puzzles take you somewhere and two puzzles tell you, once you're there, how to find the cache.
MB: Yes, it’s very clear. Besides, I'm not inventing anything, I'm taking this again, one of the original presentations of the hunt envisaged by Max. That was the first way he presented his thing, that was it.
(Q - 1+1=3: We collect at each puzzle, we collect everything each time we pass.)
MB: Nine puzzles take you somewhere and two puzzles tell you, once you're there, how to find the cache.