(Q - Brybry: I have a small comment to make to you, if you can answer, so much the better, otherwise it doesn't matter. I had a question. Personally, I'm coming
to my sentries, and from there, I understand or I think I understand that the pile-up, let's imagine, he is 7 meters from some landmark, lost, he makes me find that, he tells me, he is 7 meters away.
from this marker in the direction of... Is it wrong to say, in my case, that the sentries are the last physical marker at this stage of the game? That's the question that concerned me?
to heart.)
MB: But haven’t I already said that? You have to listen to the Brybry vocals again. Yet you are the living dictionary. Are you the living encyclopedia of the Midits?
(Q - ??: Roc: Excuse me, there. You didn't ask the question well. Let's go straight to it. Someone finds the sentries and on the sentries, he understands that he has to move elsewhere, that the pile-up is 7 meters from another landmark. Is that your question, Brybry?)
. (Q - Brybry: Yes, that's it. Is it wrong to say that the sentries are the last physical landmark that made me understand where the pile-hair is?? )
MB: “Was it the last physical landmark that made you understand where the pile-up was?” Is that your question?
(Q - Brybry: Yes, that's it.)
MB: Did you weigh every word?
(Q - Brybry: You gave me a doubt.)
(Q - nlc: Answer Roc's question, it was clearer, direct.)
MB: Roc, ask your question again. Just the question.
(Q - Roc: Can we have another reference point after the sentinels because it was induced by the understanding we had of the sentinels??)< /u>
MB: When you say after, is it chronological or is it geographical??
(Q - Roc: It's both.)
MB: Laughs
(Q - Roc: We review and understand that now we must move to another landmark and that the owl is near this landmark.)
MB: Is it chronological or geographical? Do we agree, Roc? Are you maintaining? Is it both? So the other one was physical. For you, is it chronological or geographical? Do we agree?
(Q - Roc: Yes, well, Brybry, it was physical too.)
MB: Okay, so, I'll answer one of the two questions. Which ? No, but because you're not going to fool me to the end. You have to agree. So you choose one, I answer one of the two.
(Q - Roc: Geographic. What difference do you have between geographic and physical??)
MB: Are you a geographical or physical being?
(Q - Roc: Well I am both. I am a physical being located in a geographical location.)
MB: Yes, but you’re not a geographical person? Today you are here, tomorrow you are elsewhere.
(Q - Brybry: Geographic, geographical please.)
MB: Wait, I want to immediately remove an idea that you will surely have, that I am making fun of you. This is not the case. I'm just putting your finger on the fact that even in the way you ask the questions, it's not easy for me to answer. Because there are so many possible extrapolations afterwards, you made me suspicious, I became suspicious.
(Q - Brybry: Wait, just to... What I honestly wanted to say is that you told us that the last physical benchmarks at this stage of the game are Physically, at this stage of the game, it's the sentinels. I have another physical landmark that will help me materialize. say, given that this marker is given to me, because I understand at the moment when I am in front of the sentries, can I say that the sentinels are the last physical marker, even if I have another, but it is in the understanding of the Super solution.)
MB: So it’s a physical landmark that you discover after discovering the sentinels? The answer is no, there isn't.
(Q - nlc: The confusion is that you never wanted to validate the proximity of the cache in relation to the last marker, therefore to the sentinels. You said it would be 10, 30, 3 kilometers, 100 kilometers, 300 kilometers, it's up to you. But at 300 kilometers, we can clearly see that it is impossible to locate a precise point without having another reference point on which to materialize a measurement, for example, or. an alignment, or anything in fact, that's where the confusion comes from.)
MB: But it's not a confusion, it's a deliberate statement and saying 300 kilometers is like when you respond to someone, you can repeat it to me 10 times, 100 times, 1000 times , we know he's not going to repeat it 1000 times, but we use this expression. I used 300 kilometers in the same way. I'm a normal man.
(Q - nlc: I understood it like that too, when we say benchmarks, we are logical.)
MB: No, I'm not in a position, I don't have the intelligence, I don't have the mentality, I don't have the capacity to constantly be discussing comments that could have a sense. When I say things like that, an expression, you have noticed that we have very direct, very spontaneous exchanges. Spontaneity means we express ourselves in everyday language. Common language is to say: “you give me one, you give me ten, you give me a thousand”, that doesn’t change anything. Well, there you go, that’s the tone I responded with. And so, there is no need to search from noon to 2 p.m.
(Q - nlc: There was another point of confusion, it was when you once said, well no, no, for the supersolution mechanism, there is no need to touch the markers or the sentinels Except that we said to ourselves, but if there is no need to touch them, what do we do to take our measurements?)
MB: So, fine, but that’s a great question. How should I understand “touch”?
(Q - nlc: Well, touching is for example, let's admit, I have to make a measurement in relation to one of my benchmarks which would therefore be a sentinel, I place my meter near or against an edge from my mark, I make my measurement, so automatically I touch my mark.)
MB: But the meter touches, you don’t touch, the meter touches.
(Q - nlc: Very good, that's very clear.)
MB: But hey, I've been dissected alive for two and a half years, I still become a little wary of things like that. As an arch, I took measurements in colossal buildings, I took thousands of measurements. At a time when I worked, there were no rangefinders and such, so with a flexible meter and a rigid meter, I took measurements and in the hundreds of buildings that I was able to measure, there are thousands of walls that I have never touched. But the tip of my tape measure touched the wall, that’s obvious. Otherwise, I would not have been able to take the measurement.
(Q - nlc: You see, for 30 years, we were based on bad reasoning. So, we tried each time to interpret each comma, each word, each letter and to look for subtleties of language or subtleties of understanding which means that in your words, sometimes, obviously, we manage to find either inconsistencies, or paradoxes, or things that send us into the wall.) u>
MB: Inconsistencies, I would still like to see. I don't have the feeling of having been that often incoherent, cryptic I don't mind.
(Q - nlc: No, there are sometimes comments that have evolved over time. There are comments that have evolved over time from your mouth, but afterwards...)< /u>
MB: Of course, but I have evolved. I evolved, we learned a language. I learned to communicate with the owls, which is not easy.
(Q - nlc: You also see how we are moving forward on our side, so you also evolve according to what is happening on our side, obviously.)
MB: Yes, and I see how you perceive certain things that I can say, and I sometimes try to correct them a little. If I'm like, I said that, they didn't capture it very well, or maybe I shouldn't have said it like that. So I try to reorient behind, etc. That's my role.
(Q - nlc: It's like the story of the Pope, I don't know if you have perhaps already talked about it, because I have just arrived, but there it raised again incredible discussions this story of the Pope there.)
MB: But then what I notice is that each time I give a little kick to the anthill like that, I'm not necessarily unconscious of what I'm doing, I can sometimes even be completely is conscious, but it results in very, very, very good things, because the more excited things get on the Discord, the more interesting things come out.
(Q - nlc: Notice that when things get excited in general, it is to re-raise the Dabo-anti-Dabo schism each time.)< br />
MB: Again, it's part of the DNA of hunting.
MB: But haven’t I already said that? You have to listen to the Brybry vocals again. Yet you are the living dictionary. Are you the living encyclopedia of the Midits?
(Q - ??: Roc: Excuse me, there. You didn't ask the question well. Let's go straight to it. Someone finds the sentries and on the sentries, he understands that he has to move elsewhere, that the pile-up is 7 meters from another landmark. Is that your question, Brybry?)
. (Q - Brybry: Yes, that's it. Is it wrong to say that the sentries are the last physical landmark that made me understand where the pile-hair is?? )
MB: “Was it the last physical landmark that made you understand where the pile-up was?” Is that your question?
(Q - Brybry: Yes, that's it.)
MB: Did you weigh every word?
(Q - Brybry: You gave me a doubt.)
(Q - nlc: Answer Roc's question, it was clearer, direct.)
MB: Roc, ask your question again. Just the question.
(Q - Roc: Can we have another reference point after the sentinels because it was induced by the understanding we had of the sentinels??)< /u>
MB: When you say after, is it chronological or is it geographical??
(Q - Roc: It's both.)
MB: Laughs
(Q - Roc: We review and understand that now we must move to another landmark and that the owl is near this landmark.)
MB: Is it chronological or geographical? Do we agree, Roc? Are you maintaining? Is it both? So the other one was physical. For you, is it chronological or geographical? Do we agree?
(Q - Roc: Yes, well, Brybry, it was physical too.)
MB: Okay, so, I'll answer one of the two questions. Which ? No, but because you're not going to fool me to the end. You have to agree. So you choose one, I answer one of the two.
(Q - Roc: Geographic. What difference do you have between geographic and physical??)
MB: Are you a geographical or physical being?
(Q - Roc: Well I am both. I am a physical being located in a geographical location.)
MB: Yes, but you’re not a geographical person? Today you are here, tomorrow you are elsewhere.
(Q - Brybry: Geographic, geographical please.)
MB: Wait, I want to immediately remove an idea that you will surely have, that I am making fun of you. This is not the case. I'm just putting your finger on the fact that even in the way you ask the questions, it's not easy for me to answer. Because there are so many possible extrapolations afterwards, you made me suspicious, I became suspicious.
(Q - Brybry: Wait, just to... What I honestly wanted to say is that you told us that the last physical benchmarks at this stage of the game are Physically, at this stage of the game, it's the sentinels. I have another physical landmark that will help me materialize. say, given that this marker is given to me, because I understand at the moment when I am in front of the sentries, can I say that the sentinels are the last physical marker, even if I have another, but it is in the understanding of the Super solution.)
MB: So it’s a physical landmark that you discover after discovering the sentinels? The answer is no, there isn't.
(Q - nlc: The confusion is that you never wanted to validate the proximity of the cache in relation to the last marker, therefore to the sentinels. You said it would be 10, 30, 3 kilometers, 100 kilometers, 300 kilometers, it's up to you. But at 300 kilometers, we can clearly see that it is impossible to locate a precise point without having another reference point on which to materialize a measurement, for example, or. an alignment, or anything in fact, that's where the confusion comes from.)
MB: But it's not a confusion, it's a deliberate statement and saying 300 kilometers is like when you respond to someone, you can repeat it to me 10 times, 100 times, 1000 times , we know he's not going to repeat it 1000 times, but we use this expression. I used 300 kilometers in the same way. I'm a normal man.
(Q - nlc: I understood it like that too, when we say benchmarks, we are logical.)
MB: No, I'm not in a position, I don't have the intelligence, I don't have the mentality, I don't have the capacity to constantly be discussing comments that could have a sense. When I say things like that, an expression, you have noticed that we have very direct, very spontaneous exchanges. Spontaneity means we express ourselves in everyday language. Common language is to say: “you give me one, you give me ten, you give me a thousand”, that doesn’t change anything. Well, there you go, that’s the tone I responded with. And so, there is no need to search from noon to 2 p.m.
(Q - nlc: There was another point of confusion, it was when you once said, well no, no, for the supersolution mechanism, there is no need to touch the markers or the sentinels Except that we said to ourselves, but if there is no need to touch them, what do we do to take our measurements?)
MB: So, fine, but that’s a great question. How should I understand “touch”?
(Q - nlc: Well, touching is for example, let's admit, I have to make a measurement in relation to one of my benchmarks which would therefore be a sentinel, I place my meter near or against an edge from my mark, I make my measurement, so automatically I touch my mark.)
MB: But the meter touches, you don’t touch, the meter touches.
(Q - nlc: Very good, that's very clear.)
MB: But hey, I've been dissected alive for two and a half years, I still become a little wary of things like that. As an arch, I took measurements in colossal buildings, I took thousands of measurements. At a time when I worked, there were no rangefinders and such, so with a flexible meter and a rigid meter, I took measurements and in the hundreds of buildings that I was able to measure, there are thousands of walls that I have never touched. But the tip of my tape measure touched the wall, that’s obvious. Otherwise, I would not have been able to take the measurement.
(Q - nlc: You see, for 30 years, we were based on bad reasoning. So, we tried each time to interpret each comma, each word, each letter and to look for subtleties of language or subtleties of understanding which means that in your words, sometimes, obviously, we manage to find either inconsistencies, or paradoxes, or things that send us into the wall.) u>
MB: Inconsistencies, I would still like to see. I don't have the feeling of having been that often incoherent, cryptic I don't mind.
(Q - nlc: No, there are sometimes comments that have evolved over time. There are comments that have evolved over time from your mouth, but afterwards...)< /u>
MB: Of course, but I have evolved. I evolved, we learned a language. I learned to communicate with the owls, which is not easy.
(Q - nlc: You also see how we are moving forward on our side, so you also evolve according to what is happening on our side, obviously.)
MB: Yes, and I see how you perceive certain things that I can say, and I sometimes try to correct them a little. If I'm like, I said that, they didn't capture it very well, or maybe I shouldn't have said it like that. So I try to reorient behind, etc. That's my role.
(Q - nlc: It's like the story of the Pope, I don't know if you have perhaps already talked about it, because I have just arrived, but there it raised again incredible discussions this story of the Pope there.)
MB: But then what I notice is that each time I give a little kick to the anthill like that, I'm not necessarily unconscious of what I'm doing, I can sometimes even be completely is conscious, but it results in very, very, very good things, because the more excited things get on the Discord, the more interesting things come out.
(Q - nlc: Notice that when things get excited in general, it is to re-raise the Dabo-anti-Dabo schism each time.)< br />
MB: Again, it's part of the DNA of hunting.