(Q - Uncle Nono: You tell us in 650, there was a change of gear. When we made this change of gear, in another world, do we see the sentinels differently than in the first
When I say see, do we have a different appreciation?)
MB: A different assessment?
(Q - Uncle Nono: Yes, once you change world, do you see the sentinels differently than in the world you previously came from?)
MB: That’s an interesting question, especially since I understand its significance for you. I understand what you're trying to get me to say. It’s clever, right?! That guilty little laugh. It's very clever.
“Do we perceive them differently when we are in the other world?” We have the possibility.
When I say see, do we have a different appreciation?)
MB: A different assessment?
(Q - Uncle Nono: Yes, once you change world, do you see the sentinels differently than in the world you previously came from?)
MB: That’s an interesting question, especially since I understand its significance for you. I understand what you're trying to get me to say. It’s clever, right?! That guilty little laugh. It's very clever.
“Do we perceive them differently when we are in the other world?” We have the possibility.