Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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13/02/2022 - Enregistrement 11 Part 2 - 0:34:40 40:560 - Pencil line

(Q – azfo: 530 in the visual of the 530 there is a pencil line, is this pencil line very important in the process of solving the enigma?)

MB: the 530 is the rooster, right?

(Q - azfo: ah no, I was wrong 560!)

MB: which one is the 560?

(Q - azfo: the pencil that bars the sea…)

MB: and where is there a pencil line?

(Q - ISIDORE: we can't see the pencil line, we can guess that there is a pencil line being made, we see it starting from above, a little to the side shell…)

MB: ha yes the trace of the pencil…

(Q - ISIDORE: the line which starts from the top right which goes down to the bottom left…)

MB: ah yes, I thought that azfo was talking about a feature that showed through, which could have been a construction feature in some way…

(Q - azfo: no, no, there is a pencil in the sand…)

MB: okay so the question is what?

(Q - azfo: is this trait important in the process that leads to the solution?)

MB: is it important in the process that leads to the solution…

(Q - azfo: should we take this into account a lot?)

MB: the solution to the corresponding enigma or the super solution

(Q - azfo: not the solution to the riddle, I'm talking about the 560.)

MB: Oh! Is it important by its orientation or simply by its existence?

(Q - azfo: orientation, existence, inclination, since Max Valentin spoke of inclination?)

MB: ah, yes, but the inclination, he indicated it to me in the specifications, at the top right, at the bottom left which, sincerely there, you must not lend me talents that I do not have no, I don't have any divinatory talent and in relation to that, I don't know why frankly and very honestly, I didn't bother with that. I never looked too hard, I noticed that there were differences, I didn't try to find out why, at the time I did my job the specifications were what they were , I respected him and we were at the beginning of the hunt, so I had no reason or prior experience which could make me particularly interested in this or that detail, I was a novice On the subject, we had talked for a year with the sponsor about lots of things, but not the details of the hunt. So there, I landed on the subject, I attached myself to the specifications which I respected as best as possible
Well, the rooster's feet bothered me, I said to myself, well I don't like it, I'm going to do it differently, apart from that I tried to respect the specifications as much as possible and that's it.
So the inclination of the line follows from that, the line is what was asked of me and there you go, but the line, of course, is important in understanding the enigma.

(Q - azfo: I say that because there are a certain number of researchers who ignore this trait, they do not take it into account, that is the meaning of my question.)

MB: yes, but they don't take it into account, what do you mean?

(Q - azfo: they take a direction which is almost vertical, for many, so does this trait need to be taken into consideration, since it has been said…)

MB: not the angle, the line, it must be taken into consideration, but the angle is not precise… [silence]…ah, did I break something?

(Q- ISIDORE: no, that's why Max was talking about inclination, that's the most important thing, it's not the angle, it's not 45 degrees, that we don’t care down and to the left…)

MB: it’s top right, bottom left, that’s what he made me do…

(Q - azfo: that's not what I'm talking about Isidore, it's the importance of the line, should we take it into consideration or should , like many…)

MB: azfo, can you clarify your question? the importance of the line, the line is important to understanding the enigma, but is there something else in the notion of important that I must

(azfo: should it be taken into consideration as an indication, an index even like the others?)

MB: of course!

(Q - azfo: there are a lot of people who don't take this into account at all…)

MB: they are wrong!

(Q - azfo: that’s what I meant, it fuels conversations, the Hernani story…)

MB: but in any case, tomorrow, I'm going to go to another forum and I'm going to see Becker said that..., but in any case, he doesn't have the right solutions, so in any case it's not true... No matter what, we can't convince..., I can't convince everyone, I say yes, the line is important, yes of course."