(Q - MacDo: but reassure us when he says that 95% of researchers have the right openness, it's a clean answer...)
MB: he said that?
(Q - McDonald's: yes from memory but if anyone can help me...)
(Q - ??: not sure he said the word "good" ...)
(Q - MacDo: 95% of the researchers according to his estimation and according to the people with whom he discussed, would have had the right opening so I no longer know what the precise wording was, I don't want to get excited, sorry ...)
MB: madits search engine, you have to be careful because there the walls have ears.
(Q - ??: ah yes I confirm he said that, he used "good" in it...)
(Q - ??: it seemed to me that 95% of researchers have open access so here we are...)
virtue and have verified who confirms who confirms
(Q - Niorflan: yes that's it, 95% of the cool people who express themselves here have the right opening.)
MB: what date was that?
(Q - Niorflan: 98......)
MB: you want an answer like Becker or Max....
(Q - McDonald's: you're really scaring us there!)
MB: a response to Becker, well if he said it, it's true, a response to Max, if Max were there, he would tell you yes but in 98, there were a lot fewer researchers that today...
(Q - McDonald's: no, it's horrible what you just did there!)
MB: it's not horrible, I'm trying to illustrate how Max Valentin was able, from time to time, to go a little bit like that live, but that's the kind of response he would have been capable of to do and he very well could have, that's entirely the spirit of the character of Max Valentin, of the role in which he was in fact...
(Q - ISIDORE: we have to go back to this opening story a little, because he had in a madit first said that 95% of the researchers had the solution of the 530, that's say the place to start the game, then he said the place to start the game, it's the same place as the opening but saying, in a madit, the 530 is called the opening so if you have the solution of the 530, you have the opening We did not know at that time if he was talking about the riddle itself or if he was talking about the opening as an opening?)
(Q - Azfo: it's indirect...)
(Q - ISIDORE: yes it's an indirect way of speaking...)
MB: I don't have precise statistics but I would say that a large number of players have the opening.
(Q - Grand Chêne: just to continue this story of madits, so, for a new player, would you advise him to get into madits or to rather stay with your nose with your Larousse and your card?)
MB: so I advise him to keep his nose with his Larousse and his map and if at a given moment he is really bogged down and he doesn't really know what to do anymore, then he can start looking in the madits, but he you have to search with the engines, there are two or three search engines that you find on the net there is no problem, you have to search in correlation with the moment when you are stuck, you should not reconsider the all of the curses in relation to what we have already admitted ourselves as being good, we must not question everything, we must first go to the end of our own journey, our own path perhaps could - we say, we have something there, we go to the end, at a given moment we are stuck, we try to see in the madits according to the various ideas that we can have, that is entirely imaginable but it should not be used systematically.
(Q - ISIDORE: you just said that a large number of researchers are open, is that what you just said?)
MB: [laughs] I assume!
(Q - ISIDORE: we are talking about enigma 530, since it is called the opening or the opening of the enigma?)
MB: I admit that I don't really understand the question, is it possible to clarify that?
(Q - ISIDORE: that is to say that the 530 its title is "opening" and so Max had played a little on that, saying that the enigma is called opening so those who have the solution of the 530 have the opening, except that the solution of the 530 is the place to start the game and he also gave a dichotomy by saying the whole charade gives the opening and the 530 gives the place to start the game and so he drowned us out by making us think that there were two possibilities, an opening plus the place to start the game, making it clear that he had never said that he there were two things, but there was the opening which was given by the charade and the 530 which gave the place to start the game.)
MB: it’s a magnificent illustration, it’s pure Max.
(Q - ISIDORE: yes but I don't doubt it, but now that you tell us that he says what he wants at the moment he wants...)
MB: no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm not saying he says whatever he wants, no, you shouldn't... you have to use precise words, we're talking about extremely sensitive things , we have to use precise words, I'm just saying that at certain moments, in his answers and here we are perhaps indeed, perhaps, confronted with one of these answers, I am saying that at certain moments in his answers, he more or less voluntarily played the misunderstanding, the cryptic, the implication, which ultimately allows us to respond without answering and leaving doubt in the mind of the interlocutor, of the questioner, that's exactly what I I said, you shouldn't say... I never used the term "anything", he never said anything, he was always relatively... it's important, this is important, he was always quite precise in his answers, so precise that certain words that he chose because the words were chosen, were conducive to giving an answer to the question, without giving the information that he didn't want to give away, and that's the Max Valentin spirit.
I have to make enemies tonight and if not tonight it will be tomorrow, I'm going to get set on fire that's for sure, but I'm...
(Q - ISIDORE: you certainly have many more friends than enemies so it's...)
MB: thank you, so on the opening here is what I am going to tell you about the opening, I think that on this precise point it is interesting to compile the madits which speak of the opening and I do not think that it has bullshit, that's my answer. I don't go into puzzles, I don't give additional information, but I give a way to search in a positive way.
(Q - FabL: I would just like to quote a madit from 1998 to support your point, where a researcher told him as a solution of the 530 = a place to start the game = the opening, do you think that 95% of the researchers who found the opening also found the notion of opening and Max answers 95% of the researchers who express themselves here, who give me their solutions for the 530 are just right, it's to say the possible opening and notion of opening...)
MB: he still said some really good things in the madits, from time to time anyway.
MB: he said that?
(Q - McDonald's: yes from memory but if anyone can help me...)
(Q - ??: not sure he said the word "good" ...)
(Q - MacDo: 95% of the researchers according to his estimation and according to the people with whom he discussed, would have had the right opening so I no longer know what the precise wording was, I don't want to get excited, sorry ...)
MB: madits search engine, you have to be careful because there the walls have ears.
(Q - ??: ah yes I confirm he said that, he used "good" in it...)
(Q - ??: it seemed to me that 95% of researchers have open access so here we are...)
virtue and have verified who confirms who confirms
(Q - Niorflan: yes that's it, 95% of the cool people who express themselves here have the right opening.)
MB: what date was that?
(Q - Niorflan: 98......)
MB: you want an answer like Becker or Max....
(Q - McDonald's: you're really scaring us there!)
MB: a response to Becker, well if he said it, it's true, a response to Max, if Max were there, he would tell you yes but in 98, there were a lot fewer researchers that today...
(Q - McDonald's: no, it's horrible what you just did there!)
MB: it's not horrible, I'm trying to illustrate how Max Valentin was able, from time to time, to go a little bit like that live, but that's the kind of response he would have been capable of to do and he very well could have, that's entirely the spirit of the character of Max Valentin, of the role in which he was in fact...
(Q - ISIDORE: we have to go back to this opening story a little, because he had in a madit first said that 95% of the researchers had the solution of the 530, that's say the place to start the game, then he said the place to start the game, it's the same place as the opening but saying, in a madit, the 530 is called the opening so if you have the solution of the 530, you have the opening We did not know at that time if he was talking about the riddle itself or if he was talking about the opening as an opening?)
(Q - Azfo: it's indirect...)
(Q - ISIDORE: yes it's an indirect way of speaking...)
MB: I don't have precise statistics but I would say that a large number of players have the opening.
(Q - Grand Chêne: just to continue this story of madits, so, for a new player, would you advise him to get into madits or to rather stay with your nose with your Larousse and your card?)
MB: so I advise him to keep his nose with his Larousse and his map and if at a given moment he is really bogged down and he doesn't really know what to do anymore, then he can start looking in the madits, but he you have to search with the engines, there are two or three search engines that you find on the net there is no problem, you have to search in correlation with the moment when you are stuck, you should not reconsider the all of the curses in relation to what we have already admitted ourselves as being good, we must not question everything, we must first go to the end of our own journey, our own path perhaps could - we say, we have something there, we go to the end, at a given moment we are stuck, we try to see in the madits according to the various ideas that we can have, that is entirely imaginable but it should not be used systematically.
(Q - ISIDORE: you just said that a large number of researchers are open, is that what you just said?)
MB: [laughs] I assume!
(Q - ISIDORE: we are talking about enigma 530, since it is called the opening or the opening of the enigma?)
MB: I admit that I don't really understand the question, is it possible to clarify that?
(Q - ISIDORE: that is to say that the 530 its title is "opening" and so Max had played a little on that, saying that the enigma is called opening so those who have the solution of the 530 have the opening, except that the solution of the 530 is the place to start the game and he also gave a dichotomy by saying the whole charade gives the opening and the 530 gives the place to start the game and so he drowned us out by making us think that there were two possibilities, an opening plus the place to start the game, making it clear that he had never said that he there were two things, but there was the opening which was given by the charade and the 530 which gave the place to start the game.)
MB: it’s a magnificent illustration, it’s pure Max.
(Q - ISIDORE: yes but I don't doubt it, but now that you tell us that he says what he wants at the moment he wants...)
MB: no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm not saying he says whatever he wants, no, you shouldn't... you have to use precise words, we're talking about extremely sensitive things , we have to use precise words, I'm just saying that at certain moments, in his answers and here we are perhaps indeed, perhaps, confronted with one of these answers, I am saying that at certain moments in his answers, he more or less voluntarily played the misunderstanding, the cryptic, the implication, which ultimately allows us to respond without answering and leaving doubt in the mind of the interlocutor, of the questioner, that's exactly what I I said, you shouldn't say... I never used the term "anything", he never said anything, he was always relatively... it's important, this is important, he was always quite precise in his answers, so precise that certain words that he chose because the words were chosen, were conducive to giving an answer to the question, without giving the information that he didn't want to give away, and that's the Max Valentin spirit.
I have to make enemies tonight and if not tonight it will be tomorrow, I'm going to get set on fire that's for sure, but I'm...
(Q - ISIDORE: you certainly have many more friends than enemies so it's...)
MB: thank you, so on the opening here is what I am going to tell you about the opening, I think that on this precise point it is interesting to compile the madits which speak of the opening and I do not think that it has bullshit, that's my answer. I don't go into puzzles, I don't give additional information, but I give a way to search in a positive way.
(Q - FabL: I would just like to quote a madit from 1998 to support your point, where a researcher told him as a solution of the 530 = a place to start the game = the opening, do you think that 95% of the researchers who found the opening also found the notion of opening and Max answers 95% of the researchers who express themselves here, who give me their solutions for the 530 are just right, it's to say the possible opening and notion of opening...)
MB: he still said some really good things in the madits, from time to time anyway.