Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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09/01/2024 - Vocal n° 64 - 47:30 : Game "Renewed of the Greeks" - Unknown by Michel Becker

(Q - Ratheons: Okay. So my second question, do you know a game, a board game, the renewed game of the Greeks, does that mean anything to you? Do you know this game, that is played with dice? Don’t you know?)

MB: No no, I don’t know.

(Q - Ratheons: Okay.)

MB: OK, so double disappointment?

(Q - Rathéons: No, not at all. It's not a disappointment since I'm starting everything from scratch with you, thanks to you, that's good, that helps me, that helps me 'help, thank you.)

MB: And what's more, you have merit because you've been looking for a few years, eh.

(Q - Rathéons: Yeah, yeah, yeah, with breaks eh. Long pauses, but it's been a while. Yeah, that's true, thank you.)