(Q - Syn: I'll give you an example, Saïd.)
(Q - SaïdParis: Well actually that's not it, it's that I had a click, that's not at all what I submitted to you, eh. And what's more It's not even a solution that I sent you, it was just an idea that I took advantage of, I paid to send it to you, so that you have it in your head, but it's not. It wasn't even a submission. Yeah, but in fact it's not that idea at all. But I had an idea a few days ago and suddenly it clicked on my sentries' website. I thought I understood where he was coming from and I thought it was great and so by looking at the terrain itself, digging carefully, et cetera, I had an idea of ??a remarkable point which fits perfectly with the understanding of the game, with absolutely everything And this remarkable point, I understand that we can find it only by the super solution, but I think that it could be the remarkable point that he would have found and so I have it. made a sketch that I sent you in PM Okay, that's said randomly and so I tell myself this remarkable point, it could fit with the whole understanding of the game, with the trigger that I had on. place and I explained it, et cetera. And I say to myself, I have to ask him, could someone magically find this remarkable point without having the super solution, but having had the trigger that led to that, so that was the goal of my question.)
MB: So, in what I just heard, there is the notion of knowing where he was going with this. Did you say that correctly? I think he didn't know where he was going with this. I think he did his hunting, besides I didn't invent it since it was in the first versions. He did 9 and 2. He did 9 puzzles and the last 2 puzzles. And between the 9 and the 2, well, there is obviously what we can call it, there is a link, there is a logic, there is still something, but I talked about a change of gear because that everything that happens in the first 9 puzzles does not happen again, is of no use in the last 2.
(Q - SaïdParis: Okay, OK.)
MB: It's this famous notion, gear change, but it's really hard to get across as an idea but it's really something.
(Q - SaïdParis: Michel, there is a big contradiction and this is the question I asked you last time, could you come back to it on the day of the vocal of the nine enigmas because that on the one hand, there is nothing to use from the first 9, whether you understood in the first 9 at the end, it's 2 totally different things.)
MB: I didn't say there was nothing to use. I said that we would have recourse to some reflexes but there is no point in looking for them because these reflexes cannot be conceived in the form of logical reasoning until we have found the famous click. And at the moment when we have this click, we say to ourselves ah well yes actually good plus I gave what I called key words in Pierrette which are quite strong and quite strong and so with that we can find .
(Q - SaïdParis: Well actually that's not it, it's that I had a click, that's not at all what I submitted to you, eh. And what's more It's not even a solution that I sent you, it was just an idea that I took advantage of, I paid to send it to you, so that you have it in your head, but it's not. It wasn't even a submission. Yeah, but in fact it's not that idea at all. But I had an idea a few days ago and suddenly it clicked on my sentries' website. I thought I understood where he was coming from and I thought it was great and so by looking at the terrain itself, digging carefully, et cetera, I had an idea of ??a remarkable point which fits perfectly with the understanding of the game, with absolutely everything And this remarkable point, I understand that we can find it only by the super solution, but I think that it could be the remarkable point that he would have found and so I have it. made a sketch that I sent you in PM Okay, that's said randomly and so I tell myself this remarkable point, it could fit with the whole understanding of the game, with the trigger that I had on. place and I explained it, et cetera. And I say to myself, I have to ask him, could someone magically find this remarkable point without having the super solution, but having had the trigger that led to that, so that was the goal of my question.)
MB: So, in what I just heard, there is the notion of knowing where he was going with this. Did you say that correctly? I think he didn't know where he was going with this. I think he did his hunting, besides I didn't invent it since it was in the first versions. He did 9 and 2. He did 9 puzzles and the last 2 puzzles. And between the 9 and the 2, well, there is obviously what we can call it, there is a link, there is a logic, there is still something, but I talked about a change of gear because that everything that happens in the first 9 puzzles does not happen again, is of no use in the last 2.
(Q - SaïdParis: Okay, OK.)
MB: It's this famous notion, gear change, but it's really hard to get across as an idea but it's really something.
(Q - SaïdParis: Michel, there is a big contradiction and this is the question I asked you last time, could you come back to it on the day of the vocal of the nine enigmas because that on the one hand, there is nothing to use from the first 9, whether you understood in the first 9 at the end, it's 2 totally different things.)
MB: I didn't say there was nothing to use. I said that we would have recourse to some reflexes but there is no point in looking for them because these reflexes cannot be conceived in the form of logical reasoning until we have found the famous click. And at the moment when we have this click, we say to ourselves ah well yes actually good plus I gave what I called key words in Pierrette which are quite strong and quite strong and so with that we can find .