Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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15/11/2023 - Vocal n° 63 - 48:50 : Review - Not to dissect but to do

(Q - Saïd: Michel, one last contradiction, because I know that you know that I like contradictions in terms of expression, how is it possible that a large part of the players have the expression, an instruction, literally the instruction of an enigma, the main instruction of an enigma How the main instruction of an enigma can be considered as the hidden expression of the game, because I take, come on, I. I'm going to put my foot down, I'll take for example the review which is a hypothesis of…)

MB: a random example, eh?

(Q - Saïd: That's it, yes, yes, by chance of course, which is for many, this is the most... possibility of expression, one of the most heard. But how is it possible knowing that when we arrive at 650, well, that's completely what the enigma tells us to do, it's absolutely a necessary part of the game, it can't be that and at the same time the expression or so, I think that you would have said, there is a riddle which, if it is well understood, tells you exactly or words of the riddle, but not an expression Well I don't know if you understood what I mean.< br />
MB: I understand very well where you want to take me, Saïd. I understand very, very well, I respond as I want, when I want, if I want. I say things the way I want to say them, not even with the perspective of being abstruse or being more or less understood, with the perspective of remaining fair to everyone. So the way I express myself, I consider at my own small level, I consider in any case to provide opportunities for everyone.

(Q - ??: the review was still known, it's still an expression that was in the sights of owls for years, what?)

MB: which has been printed for 30 years in the book yes.

(Q - nlc: but without ever considering it as being the main key which opens the way to the super solution since we thought that it was at the end of 11th grade that we had to start to think about the great solution.)
(Q - ??: what happened to cream...)

MB: no, no, did you think so or were you made to think so?

(Q - ??: we made people think of it. They made us think of it. That's Max's secret that distracted us. It's the magician. He goes up with his left hand, his left hand moves and in fact, he does something with his right, it's the same. So the expression, we've known it for a long time, but we never suspected that it was. the secret to reaching the end of the game.
(Q - ??: we didn't know, to review, for me, it has been dissected and dissected hundreds of times before.
(Q - nlc: I don't agree, it hasn't been dissected... It was in the sense well, I observe what I see, but without asking the question of everything…)
(Q - Exalastro: what I can see and then we don't go any further!)

MB: A review cannot be dissected, it is done.

(Q - nlc: Well then, there are plenty of possibilities to do it…)

MB: but in any case from the moment it was induced in the exchanges between Max and the Chouetteurs that there existed a 12th enigma, a great solution, a mega trick, that means that elements were mentioned which are extra book, extra book, which are outside of that, which are evoked in a subliminal way, potentially in the book, but which are outside and all that, it's a joke.