Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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15/11/2023 - Vocal n° 63 - 43:45 : Blockage - Doubt - Arrange with approximations

(Q - samsam: Hello Michel, it’s samsam…)

MB: one of the Discord stars, I'm lucky, I'm talking to the Discord stars!

(Q - samsam: not at all, but not at all. Once we get closer to the end, when we understand the figures, so we understand the figures and roughly their useful, we have our sentinels. What can still block us?)

MB: uh…, what can be blocking you? When you have the sentinels…

(Q - samsam: the numbers, we understood the mechanism…)

MB: There's nothing blocking about the numbers, eh? It all depends on how we perceive them, but in themselves, there is no blockage within the numbers. What can block you is…, then doubt, because that is something that I see very very present, that is to say that even when I hear the tenors of discord express themselves , people who are used to expressing themselves a lot on discord, everyone says, I could be wrong or it's just my point of view, so in reality, there is a sort of general convention which consists to not have..., to think that we don't necessarily have the capacity to form certainty, that's exactly how I would like to say it. We tell ourselves we cannot form certainty.
Now, in this matter, there is everything you need to be able to form a certainty, on the other hand, and on the contrary, the danger is to form certainties by adjusting yourself a little bit with certain elements. I have often said it, the moment there is the slightest thing that seems not to fit with what should be, you have to become suspicious.

(Q - Palestrina: on the last 2 enigmas, Michel, or are you talking about the first 9?)

MB: For example, a very marked tendency is to say well, he wrote zen, ultimately, it is the anagram of nose, so I consider that it is nose and not zen. Well, I don't know where this habit comes from, but it's very widespread. We turn the words around, we arrange things, we give them another meaning, we find I don't know what anagram or I don't know what and then presto, we roll with it. But for me, that doesn't exist, there's no need to do that, and that's very common in everything I've read as a solution.
Well today, I'm overwhelmed by messages, but I've read thousands of them until not long ago, from everything I've read, there are a lot of people who deal with a lot of things, that's already something you shouldn't do! And without accusing anyone, but if, as happens to me from time to time, it's becoming very rare, but to go for a little stroll, for example on the A2CO forum, but I'm hallucinating, I'm hallucinating to see how a certain number of people manage to put up with everything. We turn the text around, we find another meaning, we take 3 letters, we take the first 10, we take I don't know what, we always manage, we manage to find what we want and with that, eh well, we can't find anything.

(Q - Exalastro: on the discord also Michel?)

MB: on the discord, much less, much, much less. Then I think less and less elsewhere. Because I have the feeling that there is a real awareness of what this game really is, and which is a game that is not, the Xth wonder of the world eh, it's not a level such that no one can reach it so it's a game, so I think there is a good awareness of that and I think there are less and less convoluted solutions. But there are some, there are still a lot of little arrangements between friends eh.