Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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15/11/2023 - Vocal n° 63 - 39:45 : Mini-owls - Around 30 in December, the rest in early 2024

(Q - Katia17: and what about the little owl that I ordered in March?)

MB: so the little owl ordered in March, first of all, it's going to be superb, I'm hard at work with the Fondeur which is not very far from me. Besides, I'm going to stop by the foundry again tomorrow. He had many, many problems developing the molds. These are owls that are going to be made, which are being made using lost wax, which has nothing to do with the first mini owls of a few years ago, which were serial sand castings. , in an alloy that is closer to brass than bronze.
There, we are going to have very beautiful little patinated bronzes, and so there were a certain number of difficulties in being able to fill the…, we are in lost wax eh, it has nothing to do with sand castings which are injected in fact, there it is really leaked.
And there has been a little bit of technical development and it is likely that it will be released in the next 3 weeks, I don't know how many between 20 and 30, the first 20 and 30 and unfortunately, unfortunately, it's not a drama either, but unfortunately all the same, we will probably have to wait until the end of January for the big series to be able to leave the foundry since the next casting of bronze, which is not trivial is that the oven must is filled with all the molds, the next casting will be done at the beginning of January, so I think that around the end of January mid-February, we will have finished all the orders. I'm getting ready to publish since today I collected videos, photos, elements to clearly show what's happening and what the mini Owls will look like. So I'm getting ready to publish a little video, a little video montage to really show that. And I will send an email within 24 to 48 hours to all those who have ordered owls to explain to them where we are.

(Q - Katia 17: I won't have it for my Christmas when I already missed it for my birthday in April.)

MB: yeah, I know, it's a bit of a horror for me and the problem is that already at the time when we celebrated the 30th anniversary, I had a founder who had promised to give them to me to go out. Then he simply didn't succeed, and there I have a founder who masters the subject perfectly. But unfortunately he is overwhelmed in terms of quantity to produce and when he makes bronze castings, he generally does one per month. Sometimes, 2 months go by between 2 castings, that means he has a very large oven, he fills it with molds, it can make hundreds of molds and there unfortunately, he has not managed to without more, I think they cast around forty, but there are some that go to waste because the molds, the bronze did not fill the molds well. There were flaws. And the next pour that will be done, it will be at the beginning of January and there in a much more, much more controlled manner and normally between the end of January, mid-February, we will have, we will have finished the series of 150, so all the world will be delivered.
That said, really the appearance will be very different from the previous ones than the one we know. And there, it’s really about bronze which will have…, it really has a very beautiful face.