Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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15/11/2023 - Vocal n° 63 - 28:35 : Arrived at the 11th enigma you have found everything

(Q - Hoshi: But I believe you on this principle, but what I mean is quite simply, when you reach the 11th, once the mechanism is done, do we have to reorganize the words or numbers we found or does everything come from the eleventh?)

MB: When you got to the 11th grade, you found everything. And with what I have given you as information, very sincerely, today it is within the reach of many players.

(Q - Hoshi: I just have one last thing, is the 11th puzzle linear? That is to say, once you have found all the words and corresponding figures, is it linear or do we have to reassemble them? I still find it important.)

MB: No, once you are at the end of the 11th line, the game is over. There is nothing else to say about it. Linear, not linear, that's not today's debate. I don't want to answer any more about the content of the riddles, at least certainly not today. We are talking about elements that can cause some people to sink, as seems to be the case, into doubt, saying to themselves this thing, it's too complicated, it's impossible to find and whatever, I'm here to say that this is not the case. I'm here to say that no notion of super anything, mega tricks, thingies, any of that doesn't exist in the game.
We are in a game that is extremely simple in its design, with a final solution to the last enigma which is quite precise, which requires a good level of cleverness, an ability to project oneself into the subject, which is perhaps not within everyone's reach, but which is necessary and which has nothing to do with what we have been thinking for decades apparently. Namely that we are faced with very high level puzzles, very complex, very very fine, very very clever… The degree of cleverness is completely normal. The degree of cultivation required is completely normal and there is no need to pick up from noon to 2 p.m. This is what I am trying to highlight today.