Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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15/11/2023 - Vocal n° 63 - 22:20 : SS - Term of "super solution" - Not a 12th riddle

(Q - Hoshi: Hello Michel, it's Hoshi. Are you okay?)

MB: So far so good, what awaits me?

(Q - Hoshi: A quick question, it's not a trap I think. I simply wanted to ask if we could compare the super solution to the start of a scrabble game where you have to order this what we will find thanks to the decryption and our mechanism? In a convincing way we will say.)

MB: So already, I'm coming back to this because for me it's not completely trivial. 48 hours ago, I wrote that we should not talk about a great solution. This notion of a super solution certainly flattered Max Valentin's ego enormously, but it has nothing to do with reality. We have 11 puzzles when we are at the end, we have finished, we have found, it's over, there is no super solution, because super solution for many years, it has become synonymous with 12th grade enigma that does not exist. There is no 12th puzzle, we have to stop this completely. I object to this because it is totally disturbing. And this notion of a super solution, there is nothing “super” about it, it is the solution to the last 2 puzzles, we will say.

(Q - Hoshi: But precisely, this is where I come back to this principle where I think I understand Max a little about the history of this 12th enigma, we will say, it's sure the fact that, once we use our mechanism and we actually decipher our first words, this is where there is a bit of, we will say, a 2nd layer to add as I tell you, a. sort of game of scrabble where you have to reorder the letters and numbers.)

MB: So, there is really something that bothers me about all this! The notion of the 12th enigma only appeared at the moment, listen carefully to what I tell you because not only am I convinced, but I have good reasons and the day the solutions are found, it will be able to be demonstrated, This notion of a 12th enigma only appeared when Max, in these exchanges with the owls, realized that he had still omitted certain things. This is what I mean when I say, he had the possibility of holding the final lock, in other words of communicating, at the moment of his choice, a small additional clue which would make it possible to unblock the situation. What I'm trying to do today without betraying anyone.
He understood that at one point, he said to himself, indeed, I still put a somewhat strict lock there. So this notion of the 12th enigma, therefore, in quotes, of the 12th solution, leaves an escape route and lets the players think that they could not find at the end of the 11 enigmas. So there is a potential 12th, and that is what I call balancing act at the same time as opportunism, that is to say he responded to a situation by saying , well given what's happening, I'll say it like that, it suits me well, but in reality there is no 12th enigma. We must completely forget that. But it's important, it means that when we say everything is in the book, in any case when I say it, I don't necessarily say it like some others..., but when I say everything is in the book, This means that you should not look for a 12th enigma. It's actually when we reach the end of the 11 puzzles, normally we have found the countermark.

(Q - Seb: I end on the lock. In your opinion, if you do not take control of the game again, what is the probability that 30 years or 40 years later we will discover the lock? Thank you .)

MB: Personally, the probability that we would find if I hadn't intervened, I'm going to be very cash, I don't care. It does not interest me. I consider this game to be an extremely interesting, well-made game. It deserved further development. Circumstances have meant that... So today, I am no longer in the business of speculating, would it have been found? Not found? I don't feel the need to answer things, questions like I was asked last night. Did you lie when you responded to Dechavanne? Frankly, we don't care about all that today.