Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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15/11/2023 - Vocal n° 63 - 17:05 : Map - Original traces - Only one solution to the puzzles

(Q - Palestrina: Okay, OK, I understand that very well, but on the other hand, you only have one solution, Michel. So when you say, he walked away of the original routes, we actually questioned ourselves in relation to what since you a priori, you only have one solution, Father Méhus, you did not have the solutions and then you did not have that the Owl's solutions with, I suppose indications in them anyway, plots.)

MB: I don’t have the solutions from the owl, nor from L’Œuf du père Méhus. I have the solutions to the puzzles. And there are no others, that’s a certainty. And they are the same.