Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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15/11/2023 - Vocal n° 63 - 00:00 : Resumption of the Game by Michel Becker

(Q - Saïd: In terms of helping solutions, a little thing like that.)

MB: Yeah, that's what I thought. Do you have a high opinion of me?

(Q - Saïd: Oh no, I have a very high idea, a very high esteem of you. No, no, don't make me say what I didn't say.)

MB: No, no, but I'm laughing of course. I'm laughing, it's easy for me to make humor around that. But the goal is not to make you uncomfortable, it's just to say that: nothing is as complex as that. I perfectly captured the totality of all the solutions first, of all the nuances that there could be, of everything that could have happened with the madits, I perfectly captured the entire process. We have to convince ourselves of this because otherwise doubt will continue to disrupt a certain number of our exchanges, which is a shame. No no, I'm very, very good, I understand everything. I really think I understood everything and in reality, I don't have much merit because it's not that complicated to understand, so it didn't require me either... There you go. I detected certain vague areas, I am referring to the famous trait that everyone talks about and talks to me about. [INAUDIBLE] There are areas of vagueness, there are a lot of things that are... I had a call there, it maybe cut off for a moment. Can you hear me well?

(Q - Saïd: Yes, it's good now.)

MB: Yes, there are, there are certain vague areas which are linked to Max Valentin's services, to the fact that he certainly adapted, modified, accommodated, a certain number of points of all that, during the time. But hey, overall it's fine, there is no problem of understanding on my side, no problem of interpretation, no vague areas. The blurs are in certain puzzles, that did not prevent, I would say, a certain number of players, from making their way, so no major problem, we will say, but there you go… small areas which remain a little murky, a little vague, a little misunderstood sometimes, that's all. When I express myself on all this, I think, I hope in any case, to be clear.
So, it is true that I realize, it is the first time in my life that I am confronted with this type of exchange between a Community and then me alone as the other says.
So I realize that my proposals can be captured in different ways depending on one or the other and can be interpreted. It teaches me to perhaps develop a little more precision in what I say. But, overall, beyond that, when I express myself on the solutions, in particular on the elements which were the subject of our exchange last night, it is very precise in my head. And I saw that you had very quickly hung up the wagons the moment I put my finger on it, you said Ah yes indeed OK, I didn't see it like that, but…

(Q - Saïd: I hadn't seen this last little sentence which actually changed everything.)

MB: yes that’s the problem today anyway. The problem is not a problem, it is, I would say, the problem today, lies with the players, the Chouetteurs. This is where everything happens. Well yes, because there is such baggage, 30 years is enormous. It's a story that has lasted for 30 years, it's still a story that is part of a fairly considerable slice of life for a certain number of players and consequently, we don't just let go of it from one day to the next. the following day. So it leaves traces. The problem is on that side, it is, it is in the…
So, when we say 30 years, it’s good that we talk about it a little. When we say 30 years, Max died in 2009. Okay so it's not 30 continuous years. This is a first period where the game took place under the leadership of Max. It was a whole 2nd period where nothing more happened, with a vagueness that had nothing artistic about it, where everyone put pressure so that the solutions were not communicated. Where it took me a long time to get her back, where a lot of stuff happened, procedures, et cetera. Well, whatever we do.
And then it's a 3rd phase which has been taking place today for 2 years where the game is starting again. But it's not a continuous story and it's true that this great period of emptiness that there has been since 2009 until 2021, it's still been a while eh, how would I say, has encysted, has favored the fact of admitting a certain number of things as being established, I'm talking about what happened during the first period of the game, it cysted all that, it became a collective credo shared by many people. And then at the moment when I discover the reality of things, I take the solutions, I become aware of the solutions, et cetera. I realize that it is indeed not at all consistent with reality, what everyone has maintained as a belief for so long and today it is difficult to go back.