MB: What I wanted to say, wait, I wanted to say something in relation to the previous discussion on, on the one hand, the precision of the ultimate solution and the positioning of the cache.
So the precision is there, there is no problem.
Regarding the understanding of the enigmas, the fact that I mention these inaccuracies, this somewhat amateurish side, a little improvised on certain things, has not prevented a certain number of cool people since the beginning from arriving, from finding the
solutions anyway eh?
The solutions are found, we are always in the first 9, so I maintain that the good solutions are on the Internet.
There are also bad ones, there are a lot of them, but the good ones are there, so that means that a certain number of players have overcome the pitfalls if I dare say, speaking of in particular
this famous, this famous enigma “in the Cantabrian Sea”