Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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31/10/2023 - Vocal n° 62 - 02:00:15 :15: Marked clue on the card - Does not prevent the hunt from being resolved - Nothing rational

"(Q - Hoshi: I was wondering about false leads, because you said that there were no false leads, but what surprises me is precisely in relation to to the last line that you drew recently, which leads to the Picos de Europa And, at the start, everyone, well overall 90% of people had Hernani at the last line. talk about the entity which has the first 10 enigmas. I suppose that the entity did not have the trait that you drew and therefore, I conclude that Hernani is, how should I put it, not a fake. track, but is accessory, we will say and in the end, we can solve the hunt without knowing the key of the 600, in the end, without knowing exactly what it is, if I understand correctly.)< /u>
MB: Yes, it seems that that does not actually prevent the hunt from being resolved. That said, the first parameter that you must always consider in the story, you must never forget it, even if some people have difficulty accepting my words in relation to that. We must never forget that we are talking about someone who was a beginner when he did his puzzles and that in his puzzles there are things that are the work of a beginner. So, it’s not always concrete concrete.

(Q - Hoshi: But then in relation to... I give an example. So, in relation to the 600, when you, at the time, you said that it was necessary to name a place , I was quite lost, I think like everyone else, and finally, when you drew this line, well it literally jumped out at me because for me, it corresponded to the town of Caréna, which was in. final the key that I was looking for and that I was not sure of having Finally, I was still able to trace the line not to regret which finally allowed me to arrive at my ship and my sentries. It's true that it's quite incredible to say that... so maybe I don't have the right solutions, I don't know, I mean, but, I suppose for example that the entity was in the same scenario and that didn't stop him from getting to the right area Despite…)
MB: I don't know the path of the entity. I only spoke about the entity in relation to its comments on the figures, therefore necessarily in the right area. But beyond that, when... The traits, the history of traits, since that's what we're talking about after all. I didn't want to do them because I understood that there was something that wasn't right, right, right, right in all that. So, for a long time I preferred to kick in touch. And then, given the insistence of some, I said to myself Well, here I go, I'm going to try to trace all that and so that's where I realized that there was something of a a little bit strange and what I believe is that, in relation to these traits, I mentioned an additional indication, “Skillful appointments, etc...” After having said for a long time that the additional indications were just good , if I dare say, in this case, to drown the fish... which were not entirely interesting and exciting things in the context of hunting, but rather intended for the media and in relation to this enigma. , I believe that we are in a context where the author, therefore Max Valentin, has surfed so much on these certainties, his conviction of actually mastering all of that, the conviction that he had made himself of mastering all of that, this which was never the case. But hey, he had convinced himself that he had done something perfect.
When he wrote to me: “I have put down I don't know how many false leads and whatnot, at this rate, there are still 15 years left”. When he writes that, it has nothing to do with the original project. I spoke with him at the origin of the game, and we were poles apart from all that, it had nothing to do with each other.
And so, these enigmas and these additional indications which were supposed to clarify them, for some, he took them up again, he modified them, he refined them, he made them more complex, it depends on the case and to the point that at one time given moment, this is what I mentioned, in particular with these famous traits, we are in what I call a “circular reference”, that is to say that in reality the owl himself, if it is simply logical, well, it has no chance of finding. And if he's a little turned on, and then he imagines things like some people do, well, he'll actually get something out of it, but ultimately, there's nothing rational about it. We are in something which, for me, is very approximate.

(Q - Hoshi: And then, what's quite surprising too, and I think that's why this line hadn't been drawn until then, is that the majority of current Chouetteurs base themselves on what has been said previously, in particular on the location of cities which are not necessarily easy to find on the map, unless you use the internet. But at the time, the. Owls had to find their way on a map and when I think for example of Hernani, it was necessary to place it at a given moment and place it on the map. And when I finally see, then maybe it's not that. you will tell me, I don't know, but in any case, for example, Picos de Europa where you have your line, or at least for me which is the town of Caréna Very sincerely, you would not have drawn this line. -there, I would never have found, I would not have thought to tell myself that the phrase Ad Augusta by etc… meant by narrow paths towards summits, which was a correspondence in fact, looking for the key of a mountain. But it's really very cryptic, in any case I wouldn't have thought to look clearly to see if that's what it is. In any case I wouldn't have thought to look there.)

MB: But that’s exactly, that’s exactly it, we’re in something of… well there you go, it’s amateur work. There you go, this enigma, well... it doesn't thrill me, frankly.