Moteur de recherche & Synthèse des "Midits" sur le jeu "Sur la trace de la Chouette d'Or ®"

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31/10/2023 - Vocal n° 62 - 01:44:00 :00: Numbers 650 - Not linked to the dimension of the Owl

(Q - ??: Second question, is there a relationship between the numbers and the size of the owl?)

MB: No. The stones, I have a little comment to make on the stones because it's true that when you bury a treasure, I didn't know, but now, I have had the experience of burying the countermark. It's true that the notion of stone, how do you explain that? We have the impression of a bit of armor, we put it on top to protect, then I think that at the same time we say to ourselves well if there is a blow of a pickaxe, a blow of a shovel that is a little violent , it’s the stone that picks up, it’s not the object. I think that's just it, there are no other logical reasons for it.

(Q - ??: Should the Stone dissuade us from being in the right place or should we go a little further, we have to say to ourselves, it's part of the protection and not stop there and say…)

MB: You are a bunch of perverts, but it's crazy, it's crazy how you capture things that you try to... The stone, the stones, there are stones, they are everywhere. I mean well, the land, the loam, the perfectly arable land where there are no stones, there is nothing at all, it's cultivated land, that's all that. But from the moment we are on land that is not private land, it is not cultivated land, so there are necessarily stones, they are everywhere, it is neither an indicator nor anything of the sort. All. That says yes on the owl, there are a few stones, it's obvious.

(Q - ??: It wasn't for that, yes, it's really to tell me, if I arrive at a stone that would be 50 cm², don't stop, it's is perhaps it is part of indirect protection.)

MB: Okay, yeah, it's not great, 50 cm² is still okay. But no, very large stones, wait, you have to lift them anyway. Yeah, we're not talking about stuff that weighs a dead donkey either. No, no, no, we're talking about stones. Stones like you find when you dig.